Our faculty are doing cutting-edge research to identify pressing problems and recommend effective solutions. Our students are trained and prepared to put policy into practice -- in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors, and at home and around the world. Our policy reach at GPPI is wide-ranging and relevant. From education, health, and economic security to international development and homeland security, our faculty and students are working on today’s most important policy issues. To accomplish our mission, we draw on an impressive range of expertise: Full-time faculty doing research on unemployment, international economic development, early childhood education, public management, environmental policy, and many other areas. Research centers that address a broad array of important questions, including health policy, juvenile justice, social policy for children and families, poverty and income inequality, and leadership. Visiting and affiliated faculty who are respected scholars and practitioners – think tank presidents, senior executives in the federal government, managing directors at the World Bank and other international organizations, leaders of nonprofit advocacy organizations, former members of Congress. Policy leaders from here and abroad – in just the last couple of years, we have brought an amazing collection of people to interact with our faculty and students, including: Mayor of New York City Michael Bloomberg Then Senator and current President of the United States Barack Obama Chancellor of the Washington, D.C. Public School System Michelle Rhee Former Senate Majority Leaders Trent Lott and Tom Daschle Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff Former Ambassador to Kenya Prudence Bushnell The late Tim Russert, host of Meet the Press Democratic Party Chairman Howard Dean Former Secretary of Labor Alexis Herman Mayor of Washington, D.C. Adrian Fenty South African Bishop Kevin Dowling