The upper house of the New York State Legislature
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of New York State Senate also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
New York State Assembly Steve Pigeon, Michael N Gianaris, Jose Peralta, Dale Volker, Darrel J. Aubertine, Matthew O'Connor, Michael Balboni, Thomas F O'Mara, Joseph E Robach, Shelley Mayer, Mary Anne Krupsak
New York State Senate Energy and Telecommunications Committee Kevin S Parker, Martin-Malave Dilan, Tim Kennedy, George Maziarz, Eric Adams, David Carlucci, Charles J Fuschillo Jr, Joseph A Griffo, Thomas F O'Mara, Patty Ritchie
NYS Senate Environmental Conservation Committee Antoine M Thompson, Carl L Marcellino, Kevin S Parker, Eric T Schneiderman, Mark Grisanti
Erie County Legislature Steve Pigeon, Tim Kennedy, Kevin Hardwick, Bill Stachowski
Hinman Straub Advisors LLC Caron Crummey, Michael Fallon, Matthew O'Connor, Darren Suarez
New York City Council Leroy G Comrie, James Sanders, John D Sabini, Tony Avella
Office of the New York State Attorney General Eric T Schneiderman, Shelley Mayer, Ted O'Brien
New York City Board of Elections Simon Shamoun, Raymond J. Riley III, Georgea Kontzamanis
Democratic Senate Campaign Committee of New York Michael N Gianaris, Martin Connor, Manfred Ohrenstein
Agriculture & NYS Horse Breeding Development Fund John D Sabini, Darrel J. Aubertine
Chuck Schumer Daniel Squadron, Stephanie Havens
Dickinson & Avella PLLC Michael Avella, Christina Dickinson
Office of the Mayor of New York City Eric Adams, Emma Wolfe
New York State Executive Department Franklin D Roosevelt, Mary Anne Krupsak
Working Families Party Emma Wolfe, Austin Shafran
Jamaica Now Leadership Council Leroy G Comrie, James Sanders
Mercury Public Affairs LLC Jeffrey Klein
Bill Clinton Steve Pigeon
New York State Democratic Committee Martin Connor
The Nature Conservancy Paul Hartman