An unregistered agent of Israeli intelligence
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Foundation for Defense of Democracies also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
American Enterprise Institute Joe Lieberman, Richard Perle, Reuel Marc Gerecht, Michael Ledeen, Zack Cooper
National Security Council Jim Woolsey, Zack Cooper, Matthew Pottinger, Ryan Michael Tully
Council on Foreign Relations Jeane J Kirkpatrick, Paula Dobriansky, Samantha Ravich
Trump Transition Team Jim Woolsey, Samantha Ravich, Matthew Pottinger
Hudson Institute Richard Perle, Rebeccah Heinrichs, Lee Smith
Committee on the Present Danger - third iteration Joe Lieberman, Jim Woolsey, Max M Kampelman
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy Joe Lieberman, Richard Perle, Jim Woolsey
Defense Policy Board Eric Cantor, Richard Perle, Paula Dobriansky
Council for National Policy Gary L Bauer, Frank J Gaffney Jr
Smith Richardson Foundation Inc Jim Woolsey, Samantha Ravich
United Against Nuclear Iran Joe Lieberman, Jim Woolsey
Center for Strategic and International Studies Zack Cooper, Samantha Ravich
Emergency Committee for Israel Gary L Bauer, Bill Kristol
The Chertoff Group Charles E Allen, Samantha Ravich
Center For A New American Security Inc. Joe Lieberman, Paula Dobriansky
Imperial Pacific International Holdings Limited Louis J Freeh, Jim Woolsey
Harvard Kennedy School Eric Cantor, Bill Kristol
Atlantic Council Jim Woolsey, Paula Dobriansky
Office of the Secretary of Defense Jim Woolsey, Mike Waltz
Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments Jim Woolsey, Zack Cooper