Harley Lippman
Trader, Genesis 10
Clifford Smith
Washington Project Director at the Middle East Forum
Teri Blumenfeld
Counter-Terrrorism Research Analyst - San Francisco area
Grayson Levy
Web development professional based in Jersalem, Israel
James E Lindsay
professor of History at Colorado State University (pre-modern and modern Middle East history)
Steven J. Rosen
Director of Middle East Forum's Washington Project
Marilyn Stern
Research and outreach specialist in the field of national security with a specialization in the Middle East
David B Cook
Associate Professor of Religion (Islamic History) at Rice University and Campus Watch Advisory Board
Michael Weiss
Chair of Dept of Biochemistry, Case Western Reserve Univ., Cowan-Blum Professor of Cancer Research and Professor of Biochemistry & Medicine
David V. Wachs
co-founder of Charming Shoppes
George A. Violin
Opthamologist, entrepreneur, philanthropist, LASIK and cataract surgeon
Marilyn Stern
Research and outreach specialist in the field of national security with a specialization in the Middle East
Donors Capital Fund
DonorsTrust affiliate for $1 million+ anonymous donors
Donors Trust
“Dark Money ATM of the Conservative Movement”
Middle East Forum
An anti-Muslim think thank
Fairbrook Foundation
Mission: Provide benefit and support to the California Community Foundation. (Stated on form 990).
Abraham Kamber Foundation
charitable organization
Klarman Family Foundation
Family foundation of hedge fund manager Seth Klarman
MZ Foundation
Myron Zimmerman's private foundation
The Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation
The Lynde & Harry Bradley Foundation, based in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, is a conservative foundation with about half a billion US dollars in assets. According to the Bradley Foundation 1998 Annual Report
Gatestone Institute
Not-for-profit international policy council and think tank founded in 2012
Middle East Forum
An anti-Muslim think thank
Investigative Project on Terrorism
An organization which claims to investigate radical terrorist groups but spread bias about Islam and Muslims.
Center for Security Policy
Conspiracy-oriented mouthpiece for the Anti-Muslim far-right
Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting
A media-monitoring organization which promotes biased and inaccruate information.
Louis Brandeis Center
Leesburg, VA
Jewish News Service JNS
News service providing news and analysis about Israel and the Middle East
Sidley Austin LLP
Sidley is a global law firm committed to providing excellent client service, fostering a culture of cooperation and mutual respect, and creating opportunities for lawyers of all backgrounds.
Americans for Peace and Tolerance
A hate group dedicated to undermining mainstream Muslim institutions and promoting Islamophobia within the media.
Services & Transactions
Andrew Harrod
Fellow at The Lawfare Project, Freelance Researcher and Writer for MEForum and IPT
Clairmont, Paciello, and Co. PC
Certified Public Accountants, King of Prussia, PA
Miscellaneous Relationships
Fuel for Truth
Trains and empowers individuals to effectively influence their social and professional networks on Israel's behalf