Atlantic Council
James L Jones, Richard Armitage, Harold Brown, Brent Scowcroft, Dr James R Schlesinger, Gregory Dahlberg, Franklin Miller, Michèle Flournoy, Madeleine Albright, Joseph S Nye Jr, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry A Kissinger, Muhtar Kent, Deborah Lee James, William H. Draper III, Frances Townsend, General James Cartwright, David L Goldwyn, John R. Allen, Thomas M Culligan
Council on Foreign Relations
Harold Brown, Brent Scowcroft, Carla A Hills, William S Cohen, David Rubenstein, Witney Schneidman, Madeleine Albright, Maurice R Greenberg, Joseph S Nye Jr, Helene D Gayle, Frances Townsend, David L Goldwyn, Devon Gaffney Cross, Benjamin Lambeth, Samantha Ravich, Brendan Bechtel
Defense Policy Board
Sam Nunn, Harold Brown, John J Hamre, Brent Scowcroft, Dr James R Schlesinger, Richard J Danzig, Franklin Miller, Madeleine Albright, Joseph S Nye Jr, Henry A Kissinger, General James Cartwright, Devon Gaffney Cross
US Department of Defense
John J Hamre, Dr James R Schlesinger, Richard J Danzig, William S Cohen, Franklin Miller, Michèle Flournoy, Joseph S Nye Jr, Kurt Campbell, John R. Allen, Zack Cooper, Samantha Ravich, Randall G. Schriver
US Department of State
Richard Armitage, General Anthony Zinni, James Dyer, Lloyd N Hand, Witney Schneidman, Madeleine Albright, Joseph S Nye Jr, Henry A Kissinger, David L Goldwyn, Henrietta Holsman Fore
Center For A New American Security Inc.
Richard Armitage, Richard J Danzig, Michèle Flournoy, Madeleine Albright, Dr Michael Green, Kurt Campbell, John R. Allen, Randall G. Schriver
America Abroad Media
Richard Armitage, Brent Scowcroft, Carla A Hills, Lester Crown, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Felix G Rohatyn, David Abshire, William H. Draper III
Brookings Institute
David Rubenstein, Witney Schneidman, Helene D Gayle, David G Victor, David L Goldwyn, John R. Allen, Kevin Book, Sarah Ladislaw
Southwestern Medical Foundation
Robert D Rogers, Robert Rowling, Tom Hicks, Robert Dedman Jr, John Tolleson, David B Miller, Linda Wertheimer Hart
National Security Council
James L Jones, Brent Scowcroft, Franklin Miller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Kurt Campbell, Edward Luttwak, Zack Cooper
Partnership for a Secure America
Sam Nunn, Carla A Hills, William S Cohen, Madeleine Albright, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Frances Townsend
Hoover Institution
George L Argyros Sr., Stephen Bechtel Jr, David Rubenstein, William H. Draper III, W Clarke Swanson Jr, Robert Stuart Jr
RAND Corporation
Harold Brown, Dr James R Schlesinger, Richard J Danzig, Henry A Kissinger, Benjamin Lambeth, Christine E Wormuth
The Coca-Cola Company
Sam Nunn, E Neville Isdell, Carla A Hills, Helene D Gayle, Muhtar Kent
Children's Scholarship Fund
Sam Nunn, Roger T Staubach, Lester Crown, Henry A Kissinger, James V Kimsey
US-China Business Council
Jim McNerney, Carla A Hills, William S Cohen, Muhtar Kent, Kewsong Lee
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
Ayal Frank, Henry A Kissinger, Harriet Zimmerman, John R. Allen, Edward Luttwak
Sam Nunn, James L Jones, Carla A Hills, Rhonda I Zygocki, Edward Chow
George Bush Presidential Library Board of Trustees
Ray L Hunt, Brent Scowcroft, Donald B Marron, Robert Strauss, William H. Draper III
John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts
David Rubenstein, Timothy Keating, Joseph E Robert Jr, James V Kimsey, Muhtar Kent