Foreign policy think tank founded 1962.
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Center for Strategic and International Studies also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Atlantic Council James L Jones, Richard Armitage, Harold Brown, Brent Scowcroft, Dr James R Schlesinger, Gregory Dahlberg, Franklin Miller, Michèle Flournoy, Madeleine Albright, Joseph S Nye Jr, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Henry A Kissinger, Muhtar Kent, Deborah Lee James, William H. Draper III, Frances Townsend, General James Cartwright, David L Goldwyn, John R. Allen, Thomas M Culligan
Council on Foreign Relations Harold Brown, Brent Scowcroft, Carla A Hills, William S Cohen, David Rubenstein, Witney Schneidman, Madeleine Albright, Maurice R Greenberg, Joseph S Nye Jr, Helene D Gayle, Frances Townsend, David L Goldwyn, Devon Gaffney Cross, Benjamin Lambeth, Samantha Ravich, Brendan Bechtel
Defense Policy Board Sam Nunn, Harold Brown, John J Hamre, Brent Scowcroft, Dr James R Schlesinger, Richard J Danzig, Franklin Miller, Madeleine Albright, Joseph S Nye Jr, Henry A Kissinger, General James Cartwright, Devon Gaffney Cross
US Department of Defense John J Hamre, Dr James R Schlesinger, Richard J Danzig, William S Cohen, Franklin Miller, Michèle Flournoy, Joseph S Nye Jr, Kurt Campbell, John R. Allen, Zack Cooper, Samantha Ravich, Randall G. Schriver
US Department of State Richard Armitage, General Anthony Zinni, James Dyer, Lloyd N Hand, Witney Schneidman, Madeleine Albright, Joseph S Nye Jr, Henry A Kissinger, David L Goldwyn, Henrietta Holsman Fore
Center For A New American Security Inc. Richard Armitage, Richard J Danzig, Michèle Flournoy, Madeleine Albright, Dr Michael Green, Kurt Campbell, John R. Allen, Randall G. Schriver
America Abroad Media Richard Armitage, Brent Scowcroft, Carla A Hills, Lester Crown, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Felix G Rohatyn, David Abshire, William H. Draper III
Brookings Institute David Rubenstein, Witney Schneidman, Helene D Gayle, David G Victor, David L Goldwyn, John R. Allen, Kevin Book, Sarah Ladislaw
Southwestern Medical Foundation Robert D Rogers, Robert Rowling, Tom Hicks, Robert Dedman Jr, John Tolleson, David B Miller, Linda Wertheimer Hart
National Security Council James L Jones, Brent Scowcroft, Franklin Miller, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Kurt Campbell, Edward Luttwak, Zack Cooper
Partnership for a Secure America Sam Nunn, Carla A Hills, William S Cohen, Madeleine Albright, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Frances Townsend
Hoover Institution George L Argyros Sr., Stephen Bechtel Jr, David Rubenstein, William H. Draper III, W Clarke Swanson Jr, Robert Stuart Jr
RAND Corporation Harold Brown, Dr James R Schlesinger, Richard J Danzig, Henry A Kissinger, Benjamin Lambeth, Christine E Wormuth
The Coca-Cola Company Sam Nunn, E Neville Isdell, Carla A Hills, Helene D Gayle, Muhtar Kent
Children's Scholarship Fund Sam Nunn, Roger T Staubach, Lester Crown, Henry A Kissinger, James V Kimsey
US-China Business Council Jim McNerney, Carla A Hills, William S Cohen, Muhtar Kent, Kewsong Lee
The Washington Institute for Near East Policy Ayal Frank, Henry A Kissinger, Harriet Zimmerman, John R. Allen, Edward Luttwak
Chevron Sam Nunn, James L Jones, Carla A Hills, Rhonda I Zygocki, Edward Chow
George Bush Presidential Library Board of Trustees Ray L Hunt, Brent Scowcroft, Donald B Marron, Robert Strauss, William H. Draper III
John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts David Rubenstein, Timothy Keating, Joseph E Robert Jr, James V Kimsey, Muhtar Kent