Rhodes scholar-styled program created by Blackstone CEO, Stephen Schwarzman
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Schwarzman Scholars also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
JPMorgan Chase & Co. Stephen Schwarzman, Condoleezza Rice, Henry A Kissinger, Tung Chee Hwa, Tony Blair
Atlantic Council Stephen Schwarzman, Condoleezza Rice, Colin L Powell, Henry A Kissinger
Asia Society John L Thornton, Stephen Schwarzman, James Wolfensohn, Kevin Rudd
Goldman Sachs John L Thornton, Robert Rubin, Henry M Paulson Jr
Brookings Institute John L Thornton, James Wolfensohn, Richard N Haass
US Department of State Condoleezza Rice, Colin L Powell, Henry A Kissinger
John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts Stephen Schwarzman, Condoleezza Rice, Robert Dudley
Carnegie Corporation of New York Robert Rubin, Condoleezza Rice, Richard H Brodhead
White House Office Robert Rubin, Condoleezza Rice, Colin L Powell
Bloomberg New Economy Forum Henry M Paulson Jr, Condoleezza Rice, Henry A Kissinger
Partnership for Public Service Robert Rubin, Richard C Levin, Richard H Brodhead
School of Economics and Management Tsinghua University John L Thornton, Stephen Schwarzman, Henry M Paulson Jr
Council on Foreign Relations Robert Rubin, Colin L Powell, Richard N Haass
National Committee on United States-China Relations John L Thornton, Richard C Levin, Henry A Kissinger
International Advisory Board Stephen Schwarzman, Kevin Rudd
Palm Beach Civic Association John L Thornton, Stephen Schwarzman
Citigroup Inc. Robert Rubin, James Wolfensohn
Barrick Gold Corporation John L Thornton, Brian Mulroney
Harvard University Robert Rubin, Henry A Kissinger
China Investment Corporation John L Thornton, James Wolfensohn
Schwarzman Scholars
Updated almost 7 years ago

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