John Ehrlichman
Henry M Paulson Jr
Morehouse College
John L Thornton
Colin L Powell
American Friends of Bilderberg, Inc.
Henry A Kissinger
National Museum of African-American History Council
Colin L Powell
America's Promise Alliance
Colin L Powell
Committee on Capital Markets Regulation
John L Thornton
BP plc
Robert Dudley
Institute Of International Education Inc
Henry A Kissinger
Boys & Girls Clubs of America
Condoleezza Rice
Conservation International
Richard N Haass
University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center
Henry A Kissinger
Local Initiatives Support Corporation
Robert Rubin
Robertson Scholars
Richard H Brodhead
American Council on Germany
Henry A Kissinger
Institute for Advanced Study
James Wolfensohn
The Paley Center for Media
Henry A Kissinger
Association of American Universities
Richard H Brodhead
The Bretton Woods Committee
James Wolfensohn
The American Academy in Berlin
Henry A Kissinger