Michael J Grainger, Jeffrey R Rodek
Gilder Lehrman Institute of American History
John L Nau III, Robert C Daum
Devon Energy Corporation
Duke R Ligon
Joint Economic Committee
John Campbell
University of Virginia
John L Nau III
Miles & Stockbridge
O James Lighthizer
University of Georgia
Vince Dooley
Hyperion Solutions Corp
Jeffrey R Rodek
American Petroleum Institute
Bruce C Gottwald
Adams Street Partners
William J Hupp
Baylor College of Medicine
John L Nau III
Accretive LLC
Jeffrey R Rodek
University of Redlands
Harrison M Bains Jr
Fisher College of Business, Ohio State University
Jeffrey R Rodek
Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Foundation
Walter W Buckley Jr
National Trust for Historic Preservation
Lester G Fant III
Blueknight Energy Partners, L.P.
Duke R Ligon
Land Trust Alliance
Doug Walker
Houston Police Foundation
John L Nau III
Jeffrey R Rodek