John Richels
CEO, Devon Energy
Kent Chrisman
Director of Corporate Security & Administration, Devon Energy
William F Whitsitt
Michael Kent Mitchell
Son of George P Mitchell
Donald Trump
45th President of the United States; Former host of The Apprentice Reality show; Real estate developer
The Cynthia & George Mitchell Foundation
Family foundation of "the father of fracking"
Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration & Production Corporation
Exploration and production of oil and gas in China and overseas
J Larry Nichols
Chairman and CEO, Devon Energy Corporation
Robert A Mosbacher Jr
Ninth President and CEO of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
John Richels
CEO, Devon Energy
Robert A Mosbacher Jr
Ninth President and CEO of the Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC)
J Larry Nichols
Chairman and CEO, Devon Energy Corporation
Senate Leadership Fund (Super PAC)
SuperPAC aiming to build Republican majority in the US Senate
Republican Attorneys General Association
Lobbying group for Republican Party states' attorneys general
Competitive Enterprise Institute
U.S. libertarian think tank
Scott Pruitt for Attorney General
527 Political Action Committee
Interstate Oil and Gas Compact Commission
IOGCC is a multi-state agency sponsored by industry.
Center for Strategic and International Studies
Foreign policy think tank founded 1962.
American Solutions for Winning the Future
Newt's 527
Mitchell Energy & Development
Natural gas and oil exploration
Jackfish Projects
Devon's oil sands projects in Alberta
Child Organizations
Mitchell Energy & Development
Natural gas and oil exploration
Permian Strategic Partnership
Fracking consortium to address 'civic strains'
Producers for American Crude Oil Exports
lobbying campaign launched in October 2014 by a handful of oil and gas producers to push to lift the ban
Utica Shale Appalachian Basin Exploration Consortium
WVU-based public-private group studying O&G reserves in the Utica Shale
Center for Wave Phenomena
Interdisciplinary research and graduate education program at the Colorado School of Mines, dedicated to the study of wave propagation in complex media
The Center for Earth Materials, Mechanics, and Characterization
A multidisciplinary research facility at the Colorado School of Mines
Barnett Shale Water Conservation and Management Committee
Oil & gas group
Texas Oil and Gas Association
Oil and gas industry trade association
Consumer Energy Alliance
oil & gas industry front group masquerading as "the voice of the energy consumer"
Barnett Shale Energy Education Council
Industry group
American Exploration and Production Council
Trade association representing 32 independent oil and gas exploration and production companies.
National Environmental Strategies, Inc.
A lobbying firm that focuses on industrial/environmental issues
FTI Consulting, Inc
One of the world’s leading international consulting companies.
Squire Patton Boggs LLP
Law and lobbying firm based in Washington, DC
Michael Catanzaro
Former Special Assistant to President Trump for Domestic Energy and Environmental Policy; Partner, CGCN Group
American Legislative Exchange Council
Organization designed to link state legislators with corporations and create templates for state legislation
Colorado public affairs firm
Bernard Weinstein
Associate Director, Maguire Energy Institute
White House Office
Includes multiple levels of presidential advisory boards and advisors
Department of the Interior
federal agency responsible for the management and conservation of most federal lands and natural resources
US House of Representatives
lower house of the United States Congress
US Senate
upper house of the United States Congress