"NJ LECET works to create opportunities for our employers to win projects and put our members to work. NJLECET services add value to the employer-employee relationship."
People Have Given To
People with positions in New Jersey Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust (NJ LECET) have made donations to
John Kerry $6,000 Raymond Pocino
Laborers' International Union of North America (Liuna) PAC $1,350 Raymond Pocino
Dick Gephardt $1,000 Raymond Pocino
Bill Clinton $1,000 Raymond Pocino
Bill Bradley $500 Raymond Pocino
Jim Florio $250 Joseph A McNamara
New Jersey Laborers-Employers Cooperation and Education Trust (NJ LECET)
Updated over 9 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Other Not-for-Profit, Industry/Trade Association, Lobbying Firm, Media Organization, Labor Union, Government-Sponsored Enterprise, Consulting Firm
Website http://www.njlaborers.org/node/51