public research university in Charlottesville, VA
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of University of Virginia also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Dominion Energy, Inc. Mark J Kington, Helen E Dragas, Robert M Blue, Carlos Brown
The Alumni Board of Trustees of the University of Virginia Endowment Fund Susan G Harris, Jeffrey C Walker, Edward C Mitchell Jr, Teresa A Sullivan
College Foundation of the University of Virginia Mark J Kington, Austin Ligon, Daniel R Abramson, W Heywood Fralin
University of Virginia Foundation Mark J Kington, Alan A Diamonstein, Teresa A Sullivan
McIntire School of Commerce Foundation Jonathan D Mariner, Jeffrey C Walker, Alan A Diamonstein
Jefferson Scholars Foundation Hunter E Craig, Peter M Grant, Victoria D Harker
Morgan Stanley Thomas A Saunders III, A Macdonald Caputo, Charles R Cory
Virginia Athletics Foundation Daniel R Abramson, Marvin W Gilliam Jr, Valerie B Ackerman
Contemplative Sciences Center at UVA Paul Tudor Jones II, Jeffrey C Walker
Commodities Corp Paul Tudor Jones II, Daniel M Meyers
McGuireWoods LLP Mark Bowles, George Keith Martin
Carmax Auto Superstores Austin Ligon, Rick Sharp
University of Virginia Investment Management Company Mark J Kington, Austin Ligon
American Enterprise Institute Christopher B Galvin, Gerard Alexander
Northwestern University Christopher B Galvin, Dylan C Penningroth
US Department of Defense Anita K Jones, Dr James R Schlesinger
IMS Health Holdings, Inc H Eugene Lockhart
US Department of State Philip Zelikow
United States Department of Energy Dr James R Schlesinger
Columbia University Philip N Jefferson