RNC Republican National State Elections Committee
Steven A Raymund
Republican National Committee
Steven A Raymund
Mitt Romney
Steven A Raymund, Thomas I Morgan
Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee
John Y Williams
George W Bush
Steven A Raymund, Charles E Adair, Thomas I Morgan, John Y Williams
Romney Victory
Steven A Raymund
Republican Party of Florida
Steven A Raymund
Loose Group, the
John Y Williams
Johnny Isakson
John Y Williams
Bob Barr
John Y Williams
Newt Gingrich
John Y Williams
National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts, Inc. Political Action Committee
John Y Williams
Paul Coverdell
John Y Williams
Synovus Financial Corp. Committee for Good Leadership
Charles E Adair
Jeff Sessions
Charles E Adair
John McCain
Robert M Dutkowsky, Thomas I Morgan
Fred Dalton Thompson
Charles E Adair
David Wu
Savio Tung
Charlie Crist
Steven A Raymund, David R Vetter
Bill McCollum
Thomas I Morgan