The Bubble Barons

American multi-billionaires who saw astronomic gains in wealth during the housing bubble. Culled from Forbes 400 wealthiest Americans lists.

Government Bodies

Govt Body People
New York Federal Reserve Investor Advisory Committee Paul Tudor Jones II, David Tepper, Henry Kravis
Trump Economic Advisory Council Harold G Hamm, John A Paulson, Andrew Beal
Library of Congress David Koch, David Rubenstein
White House Office Peter G Peterson
Federal Reserve Bank of New York Peter G Peterson
President's Council of Advisors on Science and Technology David E. Shaw
Advisory Committee for Trade Policy and Negotiations Sheldon Adelson
US Department of Commerce Peter G Peterson
U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on Constitutional Amendments David Rubenstein
Carter Administration David Rubenstein
Bipartisan Commission on Entitlement and Tax Reform Peter G Peterson
Empire State Relief Fund James H. Simons
President Trump’s Strategic and Policy Forum Stephen Schwarzman
Treasury Borrowing Advisory Committee Paul Tudor Jones II
Smithsonian Institution David Rubenstein
National Gallery of Art David Rubenstein