Former CIA operative who ran for US Senate in NY, 2010
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Gary Berntsen also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
J Allen Martin Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Stephen B Siegel Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Gail Golden Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Ken Langone Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Susan Kadish Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Morton S Bouchard III Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Frederick A Klingenstein Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Sander R Gerber Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Ronald Perelman Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Steven Roth Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Norman Frederick Lent Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
James L Dolan Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Carl Icahn Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
David Bockorny Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
David Levinson Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
John T Moore Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Smith Davis Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Joseph J Grano Jr Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Christopher Collins Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
George Klein Peter T King, John McCain, Republican National Committee
Gary Berntsen
Updated 4 months ago

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Types Person, Political Candidate, Public Official

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