People Have Given To
People with positions in Hubert H. Humphrey School of Public Affairs have made donations to
Recipient | Total | Donors |
John McKee Spratt Jr | $1,750 | James A Johnson |
Ken Bentsen | $1,750 | James A Johnson |
Steny Hoyer | $1,750 | James A Johnson |
Best Buy Co., Inc Employee Political Forum | $1,700 | Paula Prahl |
Republican Majority for Choice PAC | $1,700 | Bill Frenzel |
Robert Byrd | $1,500 | James A Johnson, Walter F Mondale |
Kweisi Mfume | $1,500 | James A Johnson |
America's Impact | $1,500 | Bill Frenzel |
Evan Bayh | $1,500 | James A Johnson |
Richard H Bryan | $1,500 | James A Johnson |
Rick Lazio | $1,500 | James A Johnson, Bill Frenzel |
George Allen | $1,500 | Bill Frenzel |
Mark Dayton | $1,500 | James A Johnson, Walter F Mondale |
Pam Gulleson | $1,500 | James A Johnson |
Elwyn Glenn Tinklenberg | $1,500 | Michael Ciresi V |
Republican Mainstreet Partnership PAC | $1,500 | Bill Frenzel |
Chuck Schumer | $1,500 | James A Johnson |
Paul E Kanjorski | $1,500 | James A Johnson |
Maggie Hassan | $1,500 | James A Johnson |
Ralph Straus Regula | $1,500 | James A Johnson |