Conservative economist; advisor to Ronald Reagan
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Martin Anderson also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Lisa Troutt Rick Santorum, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8
Trevor D Traina George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Tom Campbell
Robert Bishop Newt Gingrich, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8
Peter K Barker George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Tom Campbell
Thomas E. Larkin, Jr. George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Tom Campbell
Christine J Toretti Rick Santorum, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8
Susan Peters George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Tom Campbell
Burt Sugarman Newt Gingrich, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8
Anthony Welters Rick Santorum, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8
Mark S Siegel George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Tom Campbell
Larry Sonsini George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Tom Campbell
Douglas G Scrivner George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Tom Campbell
Christy R Walton George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Tom Campbell
George Joseph Rick Santorum, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8
Samuel K Skinner Rick Santorum, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8
David B Ingram Rick Santorum, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8
Robert A Ortenzio Rick Santorum, George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8
David Hearst Jr Newt Gingrich, George W Bush, Tom Campbell
Annette C Simmons Rick Santorum, Newt Gingrich, George W Bush
John Hotchkis George W Bush, California Republican Party/V8, Tom Campbell
Martin Anderson
Updated over 9 years ago

Basic Info

Types Person
Gender Male
Birthday 1936
Date of death Jan 4 '15