Nonprofit corp controlled by the city government and the Chamber of Commerce, formed to support existing businesses and attract new ones
People Have Given To
People with positions in Philadelphia Industrial Development Corp have made donations to
Barack Obama $22,883 William R Sautter, Leslie A Miller, Bret Perkins, Evelyn F Smalls, Thomas A K Queenan, Shelley R Smith, Harold T. Epps
Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee - Contributions $20,750 William R Sautter, Leslie A Miller, Kenneth E Lawrence Jr
Humane Society Legislative Fund Political Action Committee $20,000 Leslie A Miller
Rick Santorum $14,249 Walter D'Alessio, Charles P Pizzi, William R Sautter, Keith A Orris, Cristina G Cavalieri, Esq, Rick Grimaldi, Esq
Joseph M Hoeffel $13,875 Leslie A Miller, Kenneth E Lawrence Jr
Pat Toomey $13,650 Charles P Pizzi, William R Sautter, David Beavers, Suzanne S Mayes, Esq, Elizabeth A Murphy
Hillary Action Fund $12,500 Leslie A Miller
Don Norcross $8,900 Walter D'Alessio, Charles P Pizzi
Lois Murphy $8,850 Leslie A Miller, Kenneth E Lawrence Jr
Michael G Fitzpatrick $8,750 Walter D'Alessio, Charles P Pizzi, William R Sautter, Kenneth E Lawrence Jr, Suzanne S Mayes, Esq, Harold T. Epps
Represent PAC $7,500 Leslie A Miller
Chaka Fattah $6,500 Walter D'Alessio, Leslie A Miller, Angelo R Perryman, Craig R Carnaroli, Kenneth E Lawrence Jr, Harold T. Epps
George W Bush $6,500 Walter D'Alessio, Charles P Pizzi, William R Sautter
Manan Trivedi $6,100 Leslie A Miller
Grocery Manufacturers Association Political Action Committee ('Gma PAC') $6,000 Charles P Pizzi
1776 Leadership Fund $6,000 Charles P Pizzi, William R Sautter
Mitt Romney $6,000 Charles P Pizzi, William R Sautter, David Beavers
WinRed $5,800 Rick Grimaldi, Esq
John Patrick Murtha Jr $5,250 Charles P Pizzi, Cristina G Cavalieri, Esq, Anthony Simonetta
National Cable and Telecommunications Association Political Action Committee (Ncta PAC) $5,250 Bret Perkins