GMA serves as the vital link between the CPG industry and policymakers at federal and state levels.
People Have Given To
People with positions in Consumer Brands Association have made donations to
Food Products Association Political Action Committee (Fpa-PAC) $13,500 Herbert M Baum, Dennis Mullen, Reid V MacDonald
Jeb Hensarling $12,800 Gregg L Engles
Richard Burr $12,800 Gregory R Page, Charles P Pizzi, Pamela G Bailey
Northern Ohio Victory Committee $12,500 Richard K Smucker
Coleman Minnesota Recount Committee $12,300 Kendall J Powell
General Mills Political Action Committee $12,063 Kendall J Powell
Hillary Clinton $11,800 Gary M Rodkin, Herbert M Baum, Tom Wheeler, Dennis Mullen, Andrew H Barbour, Charles P Pizzi
Arlen Specter $11,800 C Larry Pope, Gregg L Engles, Charles P Pizzi
John Thune $11,400 Charles R Shoemate, Gregory R Page, Gregg L Engles, Christopher J Policinski
Rudy Giuliani $11,100 Charles R Shoemate, Gary M Rodkin, Robert Rich Jr, Charles P Pizzi, Pamela G Bailey
Bill Paxon $10,845 Robert Rich Jr
Jeb Bush $10,800 Robert Rich Jr, William G Gisel Jr
John Ensign $10,527 Gregg L Engles
Ocean Spray Cranberries Inc. Political Action Committee $10,266 Herbert M Baum, Randy C Papadellis
Mark Kennedy $10,212 Gregory R Page, Kendall J Powell, Gregg L Engles, Jeff Ettinger, Christopher J Policinski, Reid V MacDonald
Colorado Republican Federal Campaign Committee $10,000 Gregg L Engles
McFadden Minnesota Victory Cmte $10,000 Gregory R Page
Kellogg Better Government Committee $9,984 John A Bryant
Procter & Gamble Company Good Government Committee (Aka P&G PAC), the $9,420 Melanie Healey
Mike DeWine $9,150 C Larry Pope, Gregg L Engles, Richard K Smucker
Consumer Brands Association
Updated over 2 years ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Industry/Trade Association
Start date 1908
Aliases Grocery Manufacturers Association, Grocery Manufacturers Of America Inc., Grocery Manufacturers of America
Region US and Canada