Robert Blackwill
Council on Foreign Relations
Stanford McCoy
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Jeffrey H Smith
Council on Foreign Relations
Clayton Yeutter
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Joseph Damond
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Thaddeus Burns
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Kira Alvarez
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Michael W Punke
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Carmen Guzman Lowrey
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Robert Lighthizer
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Sue Cronin
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Catherine Novelli
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Lisa Errion
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Rufus Yerxa
World Trade Organization
Jeff Gerrish
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Rolf Lundberg
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Ira S Shapiro
Office of the United States Trade Representative
Tim Geithner
Council on Foreign Relations
Peter Orszag
Council on Foreign Relations
Josh Bolten
Office of the United States Trade Representative