People Have Given To
People with positions in Ryder System, Inc. have made donations to
Recipient | Total | Donors |
ORRINPAC | $1,250 | Lindsay D Hooper |
Paul Ryan | $1,250 | Lindsay D Hooper, Christopher Javens |
Jeff Bingaman | $1,250 | Lindsay D Hooper, Christine Varney |
Congressional Majority Committee | $1,250 | Lindsay D Hooper |
Kent Conrad | $1,250 | Lindsay D Hooper |
Women's Campaign Fund | $1,250 | Lynn Morley Martin, Lisa A Rickard |
Gerald C Weller | $1,250 | Lynn Morley Martin |
Jon Kyl | $1,249 | Lindsay D Hooper, Karen Rasmussen |
Freedom Fund | $1,000 | Lindsay D Hooper |
Spencer T Bachus III | $1,000 | Daniel H Mudd |
Evan Bayh | $1,000 | E Follin Smith |
Barbara Boxer | $1,000 | Tamara L Lundgren |
Maria Cantwell | $1,000 | Christine Varney |
Saxby Chambliss | $1,000 | Daniel H Mudd |
Susan Collins | $1,000 | Lynn Morley Martin |
Chris Dodd | $1,000 | Daniel H Mudd |
Lindsey Graham | $1,000 | Lindsay D Hooper |
Robin Hayes | $1,000 | Daniel H Mudd |
Ron Lewis | $1,000 | Lindsay D Hooper |
Richard Green Lugar | $1,000 | Lindsay D Hooper |