Oregon real estate investor; Harsch Investment
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Harold Schnitzer also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
John Hunting Brian Baird, Shelley Berkley, Darlene Hooley, John Kerry, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, David Wu, Ron Wyden, Elizabeth Furse, Michael J Kopetski, Jolene Unsoeld, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Kurt Schrader, Les AuCoin, Jay Rockefeller
Michael B Levy Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Gordon Harold Smith, Ron Wyden, Robert Takeo Matsui, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Party of Oregon, Max Baucus, Jay Rockefeller
Nina Rosenwald Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Gordon Harold Smith, Ron Wyden, Al D’Amato, Bill Bradley, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Washington Political Action Committee, Max Baucus, Jay Rockefeller
Tim Wuliger Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Gordon Harold Smith, Ron Wyden, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Oregon Republican Party, Washington Political Action Committee, Max Baucus, Jay Rockefeller
Herbert H Kohl Evan Bayh, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Ron Wyden, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Party of Oregon, Max Baucus, Les AuCoin, Tom Bruggere, Jay Rockefeller, Wyden for Oregon
Denny Miller Brian Baird, Earl Blumenauer, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Gordon Harold Smith, Greg Walden, Robert Takeo Matsui, Mark Odom Hatfield, Jolene Unsoeld, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Max Baucus, Les AuCoin
Larry J Hochberg Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, David Wu, Ron Wyden, Al D’Amato, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Washington Political Action Committee, Max Baucus, National Action Committee (Nacpac), Jay Rockefeller
Michael M Adler Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Ron Wyden, Bill Bradley, William Lehman, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Kurt Schrader, Max Baucus, National Action Committee (Nacpac)
Kate Moss Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, Darlene Hooley, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Patty Murray, Ron Wyden, Robert Takeo Matsui, Al D’Amato, Michael J Kopetski, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Max Baucus, Jay Rockefeller, Wyden for Oregon
Abe Pollin Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, Ron Wyden, Al D’Amato, Bill Bradley, William Lehman, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Washington Political Action Committee, Max Baucus, Shirley Gold, Jay Rockefeller
Norm Brownstein Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Ron Wyden, Al D’Amato, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Washington Political Action Committee, Max Baucus, Jay Rockefeller, Holding Onto Oregon's Priorities
Steven Rattner Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Ron Wyden, Al D’Amato, Bill Bradley, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Party of Oregon, Max Baucus, Anthony Meeker
Steven M Champlin Evan Bayh, Earl Blumenauer, Dianne Feinstein, Darlene Hooley, John Kerry, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Ron Wyden, Robert Takeo Matsui, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Kurt Schrader, Max Baucus, Jay Rockefeller
S Daniel Abraham Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Barack Obama, Gordon Harold Smith, Ron Wyden, Al D’Amato, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Party of Oregon, Washington Political Action Committee, Max Baucus
Peter Buttenwieser Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Ron Wyden, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Party of Oregon, Max Baucus, Jay Rockefeller
Steve Grossman Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Ron Wyden, Al D’Amato, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Washington Political Action Committee, Jay Rockefeller
Steve Farber Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Ron Wyden, Al D’Amato, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Max Baucus, Jay Rockefeller
Alida Rockefeller Dayton Brian Baird, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Ron Wyden, Elizabeth Furse, Michael J Kopetski, Jolene Unsoeld, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Party of Oregon, Max Baucus, Les AuCoin, Jay Rockefeller
Joel Mandel Evan Bayh, Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Joe Lieberman, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Gordon Harold Smith, Ron Wyden, George W Bush, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Max Baucus, Jay Rockefeller
Ellen R Malcolm Shelley Berkley, Dianne Feinstein, Darlene Hooley, John Kerry, Carl Levin, Patty Murray, Barack Obama, Elizabeth Furse, Jolene Unsoeld, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic Party of Oregon, Max Baucus, Sue C Kupillas, Linda B Peters