Nonprofit research institution devoted to the study of economic policy and globalization.
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of Peterson Institute for International Economics also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
Inter-American Dialogue Ernesto Zedillo, Carla A Hills, Larry Summers
John F Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts David Rubenstein, Frank H Pearl, Joseph E Robert Jr
Massachusetts Institute of Technology Laura D Tyson, Stanley Fischer, Richard Baldwin
President's Economic Recovery Advisory Board James W Owens, Laura D Tyson, Paul Volcker
Group of Thirty Paul Volcker, Stanley Fischer, Jacob A Frenkel
American International Group, Inc. Carla A Hills, Maurice R Greenberg, Jacob A Frenkel
The Hamilton Project Laura D Tyson, Larry Summers, David Rubenstein
National Committee on United States-China Relations Carla A Hills, Maurice R Greenberg, Daniel H Rosen
Harvard Kennedy School David Rubenstein, Stanley Fischer, Carmen M Reinhart
International Advisory Board Jacob Wallenberg, Larry Summers, Victor Pinchuk
The Coca-Cola Company Donald F McHenry, Jacob Wallenberg, Carla A Hills
University of Chicago Karen L Katen, David Rubenstein, Stanley Fischer
Foreign Policy Association Harold McGraw III, George P Shultz, Maurice R Greenberg
IBM James W Owens, Hutham S Olayan, Samuel J Palmisano
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs Hutham S Olayan, Larry Summers, Paul Volcker
The Phoenix Companies, Inc Martin N Baily, Richard N Cooper
JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. David Rockefeller Sr, Paul Volcker
Trilateral North American Group David Rockefeller Sr, Paul Volcker
School of Economics and Management Tsinghua University David Rubenstein, Maurice R Greenberg
Bank for International Settlements Jean-Claude Trichet, Alan Greenspan
Peterson Institute for International Economics
Updated 7 months ago

Basic Info

Types Organization, Other Not-for-Profit, Policy/Think Tank
Aliases Peter G. Peterson Institute for International Economics