People Have Given To
People with positions in Greenhill & Co., Inc. have made donations to
Recipient | Total | Donors |
David Vitter | $4,000 | Robert F Greenhill |
Bob Casey | $4,000 | Ed Rendell |
Matt Doheny | $3,500 | Robert F Greenhill, Scott L Bok |
Rudy Giuliani | $3,500 | Robert F Greenhill, Timothy M George, Scott L Bok |
Erskine B Bowles | $3,500 | Ed Rendell, Robert F Greenhill |
Rick Odonnell | $3,380 | Robert F Greenhill |
Bill Clinton | $3,000 | Ed Rendell, Robert F Greenhill, Timothy M George |
Bob Dole | $3,000 | Robert F Greenhill, Timothy M George |
Paul E Kanjorski | $3,000 | Ed Rendell |
Joe Lieberman | $3,000 | Ed Rendell, Robert F Greenhill |
Chris Carney | $3,000 | Ed Rendell |
Bob Kerrey | $3,000 | Ed Rendell, Robert F Greenhill, Scott L Bok |
Harry Reid | $3,000 | Ed Rendell |
National Business Aviation Association Inc Political Action Committee (Nbaa-PAC) | $3,000 | Robert F Greenhill |
Mike DeWine | $2,690 | Robert F Greenhill, Timothy M George |
Joseph M Torsella | $2,500 | Ed Rendell |
Robert Anthony Borski Jr | $2,500 | Ed Rendell |
Chris Dodd | $2,500 | Ed Rendell, Timothy M George |
Mary Landrieu | $2,500 | Ed Rendell |
Carly Fiorina | $2,400 | Robert F Greenhill |