Queen's University of Belfast
Hillary Clinton
No Labels
Bill Galston
Achieve, Inc.
Bill Haslam
Marlboro College
Kevin Quigley
Cobalt International Energy, Inc.
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Governors' Biofuels Coalition
Kathleen Sebelius
Lillian Vernon Corporation
Fred P Hochberg
Institute for American Values
Bill Galston
Tennessee Student Assistance Corporation
Bill Haslam
Republicans for Immigration Reform
Carlos Gutierrez
University of Haifa
Brenda Shaffer
Connecticut State Colleges & Universities
Lawrence Joseph Denardis
Connecticut State Senate
Lawrence Joseph Denardis
University of New Haven
Lawrence Joseph Denardis
Academy of Achievement
Sam Donaldson
Advisory Council on Financial Capability for Young Americans
Arne Duncan
The University of Texas Law School Foundation
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Leadership Greater Chicago
Arne Duncan
Democratic National Convention Committee
Leah D Daughtry
State Oil Company of the Azerbaijan Republic
Brenda Shaffer