Bank of Montreal
David Jacobson
United Nations
Jane Holl Lute
Total System Services
G Wayne Clough
The Broad Foundation
Arne Duncan
Debt Reduction Task Force
Carlos Gutierrez
American Action Network
Barry S Jackson
Partnership for a Secure America
Lee Herbert Hamilton
Healthpoint Partners
Joseph A Cari Jr
Bureau of Intelligence and Research
J Stapleton Roy
Columbia Journalism Review
Herbert S Winokur Jr
Council of American Ambassadors
Joseph B Gildenhorn
National Commission on Civic Renewal
Bill Galston
Center for Security Policy
Kay Bailey Hutchison
Herbert S Winokur Jr
United States Institute of Peace
Robin Wright
Office of the Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton
American Investment Council
Drew Maloney
Children's Scholarship Fund
Lester Crown
Mike Pompeo
Brian Hook
Albertus Magnus College
Lawrence Joseph Denardis