Presidential Leadership Scholars
Carlos Gutierrez
Sebelius Resources
Kathleen Sebelius
Education Post (aka EdPost)
Arne Duncan
Win the Era Pac
David Jacobson
Education Commission of the States: James Bryant Conant Award
Bill Haslam
Global Alliance for Workers and Communities
Kevin Quigley
National Peace Corps Association
Kevin Quigley
Talent Forward 2020 Conference
Arne Duncan
Logistimo India
Skye Gilbert
PATH - Digital Health Solutions
Skye Gilbert
PATH - Digital Square
Skye Gilbert
Centre for Cyber and Homeland Security
Jane Holl Lute
COVID Collaborative
Arne Duncan
Trump Transition Team Department of State
Charles Glazer
National Cannabis Roundtable
Kathleen Sebelius
Disinformation Governance Board
Nina Jankowicz
Roivant Sciences
Kathleen Sebelius
Conservative Foreign Policy Study Group (USGLC)
Brian Hook
Austin City Council
Kirk Watson
Nina Jankowicz