Trump nominee to be US Attorney for the District of South Dakota
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Ronald A Parsons Jr also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Barbara M Barrett Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Larry William Diedrich, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds
J Tomilson Hill Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney, Kristi Noem
John W Rowe Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds
Peter H Coors Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Kristi Noem
Christine Hearst-Schwarzman Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Kristi Noem
Kenneth S Abramowitz Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds
Sam Zell Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds
Barney J Skladany Jr Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Larry William Diedrich, Mitt Romney
Todd A Walker Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Larry William Diedrich, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds
Alex Vogel Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds, Kristi Noem
Leon Black Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds
Jeffrey M Mackinnon John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney, Kristi Noem
Lewis M Eisenberg Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney
Bradford M Freeman Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Kristi Noem
Robert A Mosbacher Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney
Lawrence E Bathgate II Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney
Richard M. DeVos, Jr. John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds
Bruce A Gates Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds
John K Castle John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Straight Talk America, Mitt Romney, Mike Rounds
Richard Gaby Lindsey Graham, John McCain, John Thune, George W Bush, Mitt Romney, Kristi Noem