People Have Given To
People with positions in Jeffrey J Kimbell and Associates have made donations to
Recipient | Total | Donors |
Phil Gingrey | $2,500 | Jeffrey J Kimbell, Aaron K Cohen |
Jim DeMint | $2,500 | Jeffrey J Kimbell |
Mike Enzi | $2,500 | Jeffrey J Kimbell, Aaron K Cohen |
Rick Santorum | $2,500 | Jennifer Vesey Rossman |
Reid Ribble | $2,500 | Aaron K Cohen |
RNC Republican National State Elections Committee | $2,380 | Jeffrey J Kimbell |
Safari Club International PAC (Sci-PAC) | $2,250 | Jeffrey J Kimbell |
John E Sweeney | $2,034 | Jeffrey J Kimbell |
William Lacy Clay Jr | $2,000 | Brent S Franzel |
Chris John | $2,000 | Jeffrey J Kimbell |
Mark Steven Kirk | $2,000 | Jeffrey J Kimbell |
Devin Nunes | $2,000 | Jeffrey J Kimbell |
Johnny Isakson | $2,000 | Aaron K Cohen |
Tom Price | $2,000 | Jeffrey J Kimbell |
Daniel Inouye | $2,000 | Brent S Franzel |
Freedom & Democracy Fund | $2,000 | Jeffrey J Kimbell |
Steven Brett Guthrie | $2,000 | Aaron K Cohen |
Congressional Majority Committee | $2,000 | Jeffrey J Kimbell |
Fred Upton | $2,000 | Jeffrey J Kimbell, Aaron K Cohen |
Republican Operation to Secure and Keep a Majority (Roskam PAC) | $2,000 | Aaron K Cohen |