Chairman and CEO, 20th Centrury Fox Televison
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Dana Walden also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Bruce Corwin Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Henry Waxman, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, LA PAC, Wesley Clark, Tim Kaine
Barry M Meyer Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, LA PAC, Our Common Values PAC, PAC for a Change, Ted Stevens
BettyLu Saltzman Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Wesley Clark, ActBlue, Tim Kaine
Joanne Lyman Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, PAC for a Change, ActBlue, Tim Kaine
Jerome S Moss Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, LA PAC, PAC for a Change, Tim Kaine
Gail Furman Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Wesley Clark, ActBlue, Tom Perriello
Stanley Sheinbaum Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, LA PAC, Wesley Clark
Michael M Adler Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue
Tom Steyer Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Sheldon Whitehouse, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Wesley Clark, ActBlue, Tim Kaine
Michael King Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, PAC for a Change, ActBlue
Stewart A Resnick Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, LA PAC, Wesley Clark
John Koza Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, PAC for a Change, Wesley Clark
Woody Kaplan Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue, Tim Kaine
Heather Thomas Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, PAC for a Change
Gary Paul Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, PAC for a Change, ActBlue, Tim Kaine
Jeffrey J Abrams Howard Lawrence Berman, Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Henry Waxman, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, ActBlue, Tom Perriello, Tim Kaine
Bayard T Storey Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Michigan/Washington Senate Victory, ActBlue, Tim Kaine
Lisa S Pritzker Barbara Boxer, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Sheldon Whitehouse, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Michigan/Washington Senate Victory, PAC for a Change, Wesley Clark, ActBlue
Celia Gilbert Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Sheldon Whitehouse, John Edwards, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, PAC for a Change, ActBlue, Tim Kaine
Kimberly Oxholm Barbara Boxer, Sherrod Brown, Maria Cantwell, Hillary Clinton, Dianne Feinstein, John Kerry, Barack Obama, Debbie Stabenow, Sheldon Whitehouse, Bill Bradley, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Michigan/Washington Senate Victory, ActBlue, Tim Kaine