Advises the President on foreign policy, intelligence, and national security.
Orgs with Common People
Leadership and staff of National Security Council also have positions in these orgs
OrgCommon People
North America: Time for a New Focus Stephen Flynn, Jason Bordoff, Jane Holl Lute
National Security Network Rand Beers, Gayle Smith, John Morton
Center for European Policy Analysis Hans Binnendijk, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Charles A Kupchan
US Marines James L Jones, Rand Beers, Matthew Pottinger
The Scowcroft Group Brent Scowcroft, Franklin Miller, Stephen J Hadley
Barack Obama Mark Lippert, Jason Bordoff, Avril Haines
National Intelligence Council Ellen Laipson, Jason Bordoff, Fiona Hill
Trilateral Commission Meghan O'Sullivan, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Samantha Vinograd
United Against Nuclear Iran Dennis B. Ross, Jim Woolsey, Otto J Reich
US Department of Justice John B Bellinger III, John A Eisenberg, Caroline Diane Krass
Robert C. McFarlane Howard Teicher, Oliver North, John M Poindexter
Boeing Company James L Jones, Rudy deLeon, Greta Lundeberg
Office of the Secretary of Defense Jim Woolsey, Edward Luttwak, Kori Schake
Bill Clinton Nicole Louise Elkon, Kurt Campbell, Robert Malley
Joe Biden Kurt Campbell, Gina K Abercrombie-Winstanley, Avril Haines
Georgetown University Arturo Valenzuela, Raymond Tanter, Zack Cooper
President's Intelligence Advisory Board Ellen Laipson, Jami Miscik, Zbigniew Brzezinski
International Security Assistance Force – Afghanistan Michael T. Flynn, Matthew Pottinger, Jeff Eggers
US Agency for International Development Samantha Power, Otto J Reich, Carlos Pascual
German Marshall Fund Michael Froman, Meghan O'Sullivan, Zack Cooper