J.B. PritzkerIL Governor, Managing Partner, Pritzker Group Grandchild of A.N. Pritzker (d. 1986), who, with sons Jay (d. 1999)...
Penny PritzkerFormer Commerce secretary; Hyatt owner; Obama advisor; billionaire Pritzker is the founder and chairman of PSP Capital and its affilia...
Susan PritzkerBoard member of Mother Jones; wife of Nick Pritzker Susan has been active in the arts, education, civil rights, and wom...
Lisa S PritzkerCo founder of The Lisa and John Pritzker Family Fund Lisa Stone Pritzker is President of the Lisa and John Pritzker Fami...
Jennifer PritzkerTransgender Billionaire The world's only known transgender billionaire, Col. Jennifer Pritz...
John PritzkerHyatt heir; Aperture Capital, Geolo Capital John Pritzker is a Founding Partner and Director of Geolo Capital, ...
Thomas PritzkerExecutive chairman, Hyatt Grandchild of A.N. Pritzker (d. 1986), who, with sons Jay (d. 1999)...
Rachel PritzkerPresident, Lotus Foundation; founding board member of the Democracy Alliance Rachel Pritzker is founder and president of the Pritzker Innovation...
Anthony PritzkerPritzker heir, billionaire; Pritzker Private Capital Grandchild of A.N. Pritzker (d. 1986), who, with sons Jay (d. 1999)...
Liesel Anne Pritzkerheiress to the Hyatt hotels fortune and a niece of Penny Pritzker Liesel Pritzker Simmons is Co-Founder and Principal of Blue Haven I...
Matthew PritzkerSon of Robert Pritzker, heir to the Pritzker family's Hyatt Hotel fortune Matt Pritzker is the founder and CEO of the Matthew Pritzker Compan...
Nicholas Pritzker II Tao Capital Partners Pritzker, who has an estimated worth of $2.8 billion, began working...