Pritzker group profits on Chicago FBI rent deal

September 16, 2014
DonationFormer Secretary of CommerceCandidateBrothersPositionTop BundlerDonationNational Finance Chair - 2008Secretary of CommerceOwnershipParent OrganizationPositionLongtime FriendsSpecial-Agent-in-Charge, Chicago OfficeFormer Stake HolderLoan to buy out Pritzker stake in Higgins Development PartnersPartnerPartner$280 million in rent over 14 months$44,500 from 2001 - 2007Assistant Vice President, Security OperationsParent OrganizationPurchase of FBI Building - $170 MillionPOTUSPOTUSBill DaleyBarack ObamaUnited StatesDepartment ofCommerceFederal Bureau ofInvestigationPenny PritzkerObama for AmericaRichard M DaleyPritzker RealtyGroupUSAAHigginsDevelopmentPartnersFBI ChicagoPartners, LLCUSAA Real EstateCompanyJack HigginsCory NelsonUS GovernmentBuilding Fund

From the Chicago Sun-Times and the Better Government Association:

A deal involving the federal government’s most expensive lease in Chicago produced millions of dollars in profits for a development group that included Penny Pritzker, a top campaign fund-raiser for President Barack Obama who is now his commerce secretary, a Chicago Sun-Times / Better Government Association investigation has found. The developers also included Jack Higgins, a friend and political backer of former Mayor Richard M. Daley. Over the 14-year term of the lease, the government will pay $280 million in rent and operating expenses for the Near West Side property, which houses the FBI’s Chicago headquarters. That’s more than double what it cost to build the complex at 2111 W. Roosevelt Rd., which opened in 2006, records show.
Read the full story here.