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Dole on hold

Obama orders Geithner to block AIG bonuses as public outrage grows. California Rep says TARP allowed Treasury to restrict compensation, but it chose not to. (TPM) Research center directed funds


Bonus backlash

AIG, under fire for $450 million in bonus payments, names biggest counterparties; Goldman tops list with $12.9 billion in payouts. (Bloomberg) Wells Fargo‘s Kovacevich slams TARP, questions conditions. (Bloomberg) Two


Table talk

Obama addresses Business Roundtable, signals willingness to negotiate on corporate income taxes and climate policy. (WSJ) Perry Capital, DE Shaw, Cerberus, and other hedge funds are in non-stop negotiations (with


Sweeten that beat

Auto task force head knew little about auto industry two months ago; WaPo lauds his “chameleon-like talent to adapt.” (WaPo) RNC chief says abortion is a choice. (DC Examiner) Cuomo


The Protégés

In earlier posts, we’ve highlighted Robert Rubin‘s network of protégés, who have assumed nearly every economic policy post of consequence in the Obama White House. In spite of his abysmal

Mailing it in

Letter from CEO of failing bank announcing pre-writedown profits lifts markets worldwide. (NYT) Madoff expected to plead guilty. (WSJ) Boxes and bins tip off Seattle Post-Intelligencer staff that Hearst will


Art shark on alert

Famed art dealer is on red alert as economy sinks; typical clients include Harvey S Shipley Miller and Eli Broad. (NYT) Obama nominates Krueger, Wallace, Cohen for Treasury posts. (Bloomberg)


Funk deepens

DoL: economy shed 651,000 jobs in February. (WSJ) Senate committee demands Fed name the AIG trading partners made whole by bailouts. (WaPo) California court leans toward upholding Proposition 8. (SF


Time to talk

Cuomo issues subpoenas to top-earning Merrill executives. (WSJ) Rove and Miers to testify before House Judiciary Committee on US Attorney firings. (TPM) Venezuela expropriates Cargill rice mills. (WSJ) Treasury releases
