Talent Forward Initiative and U.S. Chamber of Commerce have/had a hierarchical relationship

Notes Who We Are Our mission is to inform and mobilize the business community to make a difference in education and workforce reform through engaging partnerships, challenging the status quo, and using our research, programs, and policy to connect pressing education and workforce issues to economic development. U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation / Centers / Center for Education and Workforce / Who We Are A center within the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, an affiliate of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the Center for Education and Workforce is dedicated to strengthening America’s long-term competitiveness. Our mission is to inform and mobilize the business community to make a difference in education and workforce reform. We work directly with business leaders, educators, community leaders, and other stakeholders to develop and promote solutions for the most pressing education and workforce challenges of our day. TACKLING THE ISSUES Though all of our initiatives overlap, we focus on the following four stages of the education and talent development pipeline: Early Childhood Education Building a high-quality educational foundation that will translate into opportunity in the future. Nearly four million three- and four-year-olds in the United States are not enrolled in preschool programs, putting them at risk of entering school underprepared. Through our participation in the national conversation around preschool programs and policies, we use research and data to inform the business community of the return on investments in early learning. An investment in early childhood education leads to success for the workforce of tomorrow as well as the workforce of today. K–12 Education Dedicated to equipping all students with the knowledge, skills, and competence to succeed in the jobs of tomorrow. Globally, U.S. students rank 17th in literacy, 21st in science, and 26th in math. Today’s K–12 education system is complex, and that complexity often leads to students underprepared for the career ahead of them. Our participation in this national conversation involves promoting programs and policies that work to close academic achievement gaps, supporting effective teachers, and providing the education community with the resources and tools necessary to address the education challenges of today and tomorrow. Career Readiness & Youth Employment Providing high-quality tools, programs, and modern pathways for access to fulfilling careers. Fewer than half of students who enter postsecondary programs graduate in six years. Additionally, students seeking access to postsecondary, vocational, or technical education programs are increasingly burdened with economic and educational barriers. As a part of this national conversation, we promote improved access and affordability, increased transparency, and a focus on multiple pathways for students to gain the necessary credentials needed to succeed in the workforce. The Skills Gap and Workforce Development Encouraging employer-led initiatives that will preserve the strength of America's greatest economic resource - its workforce. There are currently five million jobs unfilled due in part to an underprepared workforce. The unemployment rate for youth aged 20–24 sits at 11%. Open dialogue about these challenges among key players, such as the business community, human resource officers, and industry associations, is required. Our participation in this national conversation involves leveraging our research, data, and proven strategies to highlight examples of excellence and success through partnership, and empower this network of business and thought leaders with the tools they need to expand opportunities and address the skills gap.
Updated over 4 years ago