Title Email Chain
Start Date 2020-03-15
Notes epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000001 RE: De-Brief Later Today From: To: Cc: Date: Attachments AllMatt "Wilson , Matt 8. EOP/OSTP" > "Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP" a;;a,a;;;a. _________ _, , "Droegemeier, Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP" >, "Waterman , Paige E. i------------' ' "Watson, Ian D. EOP/OSTP" ....---------, , "Nichols , Lisa M. EOP/OSTP" _._ ________ "Lattimore, Tracie B. EOP/OSTP" ;;;a_ ________ _,> , "Baum, Kristina R. EOP/OSTP" __________ __, >, "Hunter , Jordan C. EOP/OSTP" , "Hernandez , Elena R. EOP/OSTP" ::: ;;a... =================--, _________ __,"Parker , Lynne E. EOP/OSTP" ;;:a_ _______ __, , "Casey , Winter EOP/OSTP" "Bonyun, Sean C. EOP/OSTP" Sun, 15 Mar 2020 20:23 :17 -0400 Tech Task Force 15Mar20 - Raw Notesv2.docx (26.76 kB) From: Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 7:20 PM To: Droegemeier, Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP""""'=-------------. . Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP Waterman, Paige E. EOP/OSTP ; Watson, Ian D. EOP/OSTP -.;a.:;aa. ________ _.,, ; Nicho ls, Lisa M. EOP/OSTP Lattimore, Tracie B. EOP/OSTP i:!::::====::::;""" B-a-um- , -Kr-is_,tina R. EOP/OSTP ....... ......------------, ;;;a_-----~~:;;;: Hunter, Jordan C. EOP/OSTP ; Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OST -.;;aa;;a. ________ ___. Casey, Winte r EOP/OSTP Cc: Bonyun, Sean C. EOP/OSTP a;;aa,.;;;a. ________ __.,, Subject: RE: De-Brief Later Today 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000002 ' Thanks! From: Droegeme ier, Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 3:30 PM To: Wilson , Matt B. EOP/OSTP .....-----------, Waterman, Paige E. EOP/OSTP Watson, Ian D. EOP/OSTP._.._. __________ Nicho ls, Lisa M . EOP/OST Lattimore, Tracie B. EOP/OSTP Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP ~ ==========;". B'::!aum, Kristina R. EOP/OSTP ....-----------, Hunter, Jordan C. EOP/OSTP Cc: Bonyun, Sean C. EOP/OST Subject: De-Brief Later Today Hi all, · Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP ; Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP Let's do a call at 7 Pnllll:: ==========:J · Sean, would you please send the number? Thanks! Kelvin 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000003 March 15, 2020 DELIBERATIVE I PREDECISIONAL I DRAFT [APG] 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000004 March 15, 2020 DELIBERATIVE I PREDECISIONAL I DRAFT [APG] 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000005 March 15, 2020 DELIBERATIVE I PREDECISIONAL I DRAFT [APG] 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000006 March 15, 2020 DELIBERATIVE I PREDECISIONAL I DRAFT [APG] 4 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000007 March 15, 2020 DELIBERATIVE IPREDECISIONAL I DRAFT [APG] 5 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000008 FW: Raw Notes from Call "Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP" From: To: "Hernandez , Elena R. EOP/OSTP' Date: Sun , 15 Mar 2020 20:07 :37 -0400 Attachments Tech Task Force 15Mar20 - Raw Notes.docx (26.04 kB) From: Wilson , Matt B. EOP/OSTP Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 4:14 PM To: Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP =----------, Cc: Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP _....., _________ _, Subject: Raw Notes from Call Lynne - Matt Matthew B. Wilson, PhD Senior Policy Analyst Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President 1650 Pennsylvania Avenue , NW Wash ington, DC 20502 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000009 March 15, 2020 DELIBERATIVE I PREDECISIONAL I DRAFT [APG] 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000010 March 15, 2020 DELIBERATIVE I PREDECISIONAL I DRAFT [APG] 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000011 March 15, 2020 DELIBERATIVE I PREDECISIONAL I DRAFT [APG] 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000012 March 15, 2020 DELIBERATIVE I PREDECISIONAL I DRAFT [APG] 4 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000013 March 15, 2020 DELIBERATIVE IPREDECISIONAL I DRAFT [APG] 5 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000014 Re: [EXTERNAL] Follow-Up to Today's COVID-19 Task Force Call From: Madi Jacox To: "Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP" Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 18:58:42 -0400 Tntly nothing I'd rather be doing! Born and raised in Seattle, now live in New York - need to do whatever we can . Don't hesitate to email or call ...__...r·n can be of help. Thanks, Madi On Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 3:55 PM Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP ~1_.1_il_.il_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_"] wrote: Many thanks for all your help pulling this together! From: Madi Jacox Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 6:35 PM To: Dave Zvenyach Cc: Kaplan, Melanie ; Ward, Michael ; Pet iil=========;- .~S~a-ra~h~Cum ===========.-::::---:-::-~ ' ryl Timon Finke Alicia Zhou David Blazes ~-----------___,, 1 ; Lee Carosi Dunn Josh Mendelsohn >; Mainak Mazumdar ===::;-::-; Auren Hoffman ; Ron Conway epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000015 Hi,AllMany thanks for joining us in kicking off our response to COVID-19. A few notes and next steps, below - If you shared dial-in information for today's call with a colleague, please let me know. I will add their email to future communications. In the interim, please forward this email to those you included. We've divided into three workstreams: 1. Location data source/ inputs. 2. Clinical health data sources/ inputs. 3. Data hosting, aggregation, and privacy. If you would like to participate in these workstreams , please send Dave Zvenyach an emai l a ~....,-_,...a · In an effort to be comprehensive about that work, identify what gaps exist, and what challenges remam, Dave 1s developing draft charters for each workstream that will anchor our work in the immediate future and beyond Wednesday's call (an example of these draft charters is attached). He will be setting up meetings on Tuesday afternoon for each of the workstreams. Picking up on Peter Lee's comment, we want to ensure that we have raised/ discussed major considerations before reconvening as a larger group on Wednesday afternoon. To that end, if you have any specific comments or concerns on any of the workstreams that you want raised during the Tuesday workstream meeting, please email the comments, concerns, and questions to Dave ASAP. Thank you for the suggestion about ensuring tight coordination with various other workstreams. In the spirit of that suggestion: 1. Josh will be working closely with Lynne to ensure that we are plugged in appropriately with other existing government coordination mechanisms; 2. We will defer specific work on the telemedicine initiative to that being led by CTIA; and 3. For each workstrearn, we are including a topic of discussion to source other known working groups, efforts, and opportunities to coordinate our efforts. Finally, you should have been added to a Slack channel for increased and coordinated communicat ion. Please email me if you still need to be added. Any add itional questions , don't hesitate to be in contact. A huge thank you for working so quickly , let's get moving - Madi Jacox 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000016 Investor I hangar.is Investor I hangar.is 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000017 RE: [EXTERNAL] Follow-Up to Today's COVID-19 Task Force Call From: "Parker , Lynne E. EOP/OSTP" To: Madi Jacox Cc: "Parker , Lynne E. EOP/OSTP" Date: Sun, 15 Mar 2020 19:36:55 -0400 Many thanks. From: Madi Jacox __________, Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 7:01 PM To: Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP =---------""" Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Follow-Up to Today's COVID-19 Task Force Call Hi, Lynne - Thanks for the notes. I was too quick to send this out! The names you copied should be added now. Re: existing government coordination , fellow by the name ofRakesh Bharania , I believe: Director, Humanitarian Impact Data at Salesforce Madi On Sun, Mar 15, 2020 at 3:54 PM Parker, Lynn e E. EOP/OSTP wrote: -------------' Thanks, Madi. We forwarded the invitation to Joe Bresee ), Alan Davidso ______ , Andrew Crapuchette hope I'm not forgetting someone! Also, for the second item #2, the industry association is CTA (not CTIA). Also, who was the gentleman who talked about existing government coordination mechanisms? Can you share his email? Thanks, Lynne 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000018 From: Madi Jacox Sent: Sunday, March 15, 2020 6:35 PM To: Dave Zvenyach Cc: Kaplan, Melanie · Anderson, Blair =========i"'.:.. Bud Tribble Navin Vembar mings ; Ron Conway ; Julie Samuels :!!i::::=------' · Matthew Devli >; Othman Laraki _______ Gellman (McKinsey __,, ; Lee ; Josh Mendelsohn SEARCH) Ben Finkel ; Liz Lee ::!::::====~ Thomas ============i:.._ ____ --1!!::!!!!!!!=!!:======:;-::- pa-r-:-- k'erEnce ; Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP >; Wilson, Matt B. ::!!::::=========;r---..1 EOP/OSTP ; Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP~ ~: : ::::::::::.::.::.::.:::::::=.r >----------- Subject: [EXTERNAL) Follow-Up to Today's COVID-19 Task Force Call Hi, All - Many thanks for jo ining us in kicking off our response to COVID-19 . A few notes and next steps, below - If you shar ed dial-in informa tion for today's call with a colleague , please let me know. I will add their email to future communications. In the interim, please forward this email to those you includ ed. We 've divided into three workstrearns: 1. Location data source / inputs. 2. Clinical health data sources I inputs. 3. Data hosting, aggregation, and privacy. If you would like to participate in these workstreams , please send Dave Zvenyach an email at ______ In an effort to be comprehensive about that work , identi fy what gaps exist, ...,, and what challenges remain , Dave is developing draft charters for each workstream that will anchor our work in the immediate future and beyond Wednesday 's call (an example of these draft charters is attached). He will be setting up mee tings on Tuesday afternoon for each of the workstreams. 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000019 Picking up on Peter Lee 's comment , we want to ensure that we have raised / discussed major considerations before reconvening as a larger group on Wednesday afternoon . To that end, if you have any specific comments or concerns on any of the workstreams that you want raised during the Tuesday workstream meeting , please email the comments , concerns, and questions to Dave ASAP. Thank you for the suggestion about ensuring tight coordination with various other workstreams. In the spirit of that suggestion : 1. Josh will be working closely with Lynne to ensure that we are plugged in appropriately with other existing government coordination mechanisms ; 2. We will defer specific work on the telemedicine initiative to that being led by CTIA ; and 3. For each workstream , we are including a topic of discussion to source other known working groups, efforts, and opportunities to coordinate our efforts. Finally, you should have been added to a Slack channel for increased and coordinated communication . Please email me if you still need to be added. Any additional questions, don't hesitate to be in contact. A huge thank you for working so quickly , let's get moving - Madi Jacox Investor I hangar.is Investor I hangar.is 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000020 RE: [EXTERNAL] COVID-19 Tech and Research Task Force: Working Group Calls From "Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP" To: "Wilson, Matt 8. EOP/OSTP" ~s;;a.. ________ __. , "Kratsios , Michael J. EOP/OSTP" Cc: "Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP" Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 20:16:35 -0400 From: Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 7:42 PM To: Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP ---------. Kratsios, M ichae l J. EOP/OSTP Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] COVID-19 Tech and Research Task Force: Working Group Calls Just MK and Lynne Matt Hi, Lynne, Matt , and Michael - Informing you of three work ing group calls taking place tomorrow , 1. Privacy and Hosting (1 :00-2 :20pm EST) 2. Loca tion Data (2:30-3:S0pm EST) 3. Clinical Data (4:00-5 :20pm) 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000021 The goal is to illicit initial ideas and concerns from the community that is participating in each call - our broader Task Force has broken into these three sub-groups for quick sprints around charter-drafting and work output. Including you on calendar invites in the event you would like to listen in, although no pressure to do so. We'll be coming back together as a broader group on Wednesday (03/ 18) at 3pm EST to share learnings. Thanks, Madi Investor I hangar.is 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000022 RE: [EXTERNAL] COVID-19 Tech and Research Task Force: Working Group Calls From "Parker , Lynne E. EOP/OSTP ' ;;a;._ ___ __, "Wilson, Matt 8. EOP/OSTP" To: ._.._._ __________ , "Kratsios , Michael J. EOP/OSTP" Cc: Josh Mendelsohn ;;a_ ___ __, >, "Parker, Lynne E. ;;a;._ __ __,, EOP/OSTP" > Date: Mon, 16 Mar 2020 20:18:54 -0400 Thanks much, Madi! We look forward to getting an update from you, at your earliest convenience. Lynne Hi, Lynne, Matt, and Michael - Informing you of three working group calls taking place tomorrow, 1. Privacy and Hosting (1 :00-2:20pm EST) 2. Location Data (2:30-3:S0pm EST) 3. Clinical Data (4:00-5:20pm) The goal is to illicit initial ideas and concerns from the commun ity that is partic ipating in each call - our broader Task Force has broken into these three sub-groups for quick sprints around charter-drafti ng and work output. Including you on calendar invites in the event you would like to listen in, although no pressure to do so. We'll be coming back together as a broader group on Wednesday (03/ 18) at 3pm EST to share learnings. 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000023 Thanks, Madi Investor I hangar.is 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000024 [EXTERNAL] Re: COVID19 Tech group From: To: Cc: Date: Madi Jacox Christopher Padilla Josh Mendelsohn < Mon, 16 Mar 2020 14:08:15 -0400 Many thanks, Lynne, moving you to bee. Chris, wonderful to be connected and hear that IBM is eager to help. Happy to jump on the phone today to give you a high-level overview of work to date. 3-4pm EST and 6pm EST on are open. In advance, we have three working groups moving forward on initiatives: 1. Location data to enable researchers and decision makers 2. Clinical data to enable researchers decisionmakers 3. Hosting and privacy to architect a safe and secure environment for the above Would love to plug IBM in wherever might be best. Finally, we have calls scheduled tomorrow for our smaller working groups (Privacy/Hosting at 1pm Location Data at 2:30pm), and Wednesday (3-4pm EST) with the broader Task Force. Calendar invites forthcoming, but of course more than happy to include any adctitional folks from IBM. On Mon, Mar 16, 2020 at 10:52 AM Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP wrote: Hi Chris -- I'm copying Josh Mendelsohn and Madi Jacox, from Hangar, who have set up this industry group to help collectively address some tech-based COVID-19 activities. They can fi ll you in on this industry group's efforts. Madi/Josh - IBM is eager to help . Please loop them into your industry group's activ ities . Many thanks , Lynne Lynne 'E. Parker, Pli.'D. Deputy Chief Technology Officer of the United States The White House 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000025 Office : B a;_jillli.jl ___ __, Investor I hangar.is 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000026 [EXTERNAL] COVID-19 Tech and Research Task Force: Updated Workstream Documents From: To: Cc: Date: Attachments Madi Jacox "Parker , Lynne E. EOP/OSTP" ;;;a_ _______ __,, , "Wilson , Matt B . EOP/OSTP" .....-------------. , "Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP" Dave Zvenyach ______ __,, Josh Mendelsohn Tue, 17 Mar 2020 20:19:12 -0400 Clinical Health Data Workstream .pdf (56.45 kB); Hosting & Privacy Data Workstream .pdf (45.54 kB); Location Data Workstream .pdf (64.75 kB) Good Evening, OSTP - Attached, please find our updated workstream documents. In advance of tonight's update email, I want to make sure you have access to what will otherwise be presented via Google Doc. Looking forward to diving into these ftuther on tomon-ow's call. Be weH, Madi Investor I hangar.is 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000027 COVID-19 Tech Taskforce Workstream Name: Clinical Health Data Members: AWS, Color Genomics, ESRI, Gates, Google, Ro, NAVIGO Goals and opportunities • Assist researchers at the CDC, academic institutions, and other public-health officials to capture clinical location data to assess resource capacity, effectiveness of policy interventions, community education, and disease surveillance. • Gather patient information (including behaviors, symptoms, and risk factors) in order to create a model that can act as a high-value entry point. • Assist health systems with de-identification and anonymization tasks. • Understand and comply with relevant privacy and health regulation without impeding our effectiveness. • Clearly define the problem we are trying to solve so we can coordinate and execute as quickly and effectively as possible. • Leverage data to help prevent an unnecessary bottleneck on our medical resources. • Clearly identify the symptoms of COVID-19 in particular geographies to promote effective testing and healthcare response. Planned operation outcome Identify and provide clinical datasets for use in developing forecasting models and informing disease surveillance. Ideal operation outcomes [disclaimer: we don't know whether any/all of these are likely or their feasibility; they're meant to be illustrative of the types of analyses possible with broader clinical-data availability] • Aggregate accurate information at federal, state, and county level. • Develop forecast models predicting incidences and correlating them to key data points, like number of available hospital beds and resource needs. • Maximize limited testing resources by ensuring that the right groups of individuals are tested. For instance, this could be determined based on the location data of individuals who have tested positive. • Along with location-based information, determine the cause of the spread of COVID-19 and mitigate continued spread. For instance, consider creating a rating system indicating the danger of the spread of COVID-19 in certain communities. • Track the different strains and expressions of the illness. There are multiple strains of varying severity in Europe. • Develop contact tracing solutions to help reduce spread at the top of the funnel. This approach has been used successfully in other countries. epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000028 • Follow interoperabil ity standards like FHIR to allow for easier collaboration . • Understand comorbidity, including the symptoms displayed and how they manifest so healthcare can improve outcomes . • Determine whether task force resources are best spent assisting CDC and other agencies with their own questions , or in posing our own. • Reduce the likelihood of additional mutagenesis . This could include a review of the potential presence of the virus in the United States at an earlier stage. • Provide treatments tailored to specific strains of COVI D-19. Two key considerations: o (1) Maintain a supply chain that accurately allocates emerging medicines; o (2) Set clear guidelines and establish a decision tree reflecting the risk/reward of particular kinds of treatments in different geographies . • Understand interagency / intergovernmental collaboration and information sharing. Other known working groups I efforts • NAVIGO has a public-facing assessment that could be used for screening , education , data creation/collection , and other ideas to help improve the interaction at testing centers. Prototype here: • CT A's public link to telehealth companies questionna ire • There is a substantial amount of interagency I intergovernmental work that is already happening ; one of the challenges will be to ensure appropriate coordination among government entities and the task force . Concerns • Working effectively while complying with regulation, including HIPAA and PHI, and maintaining ethical data-sharing policies . Key considerations here will be understanding who is using the data (e.g., is it open source) and what level of precision will be provided. • One meta-consideration is the government's tolerance for data aggregation / centralizatio n. I.e., should we (1) gather large amou nts of data and allow for good centralized governance to use that data to make decisions or (2) should we work to narrow the scope of questions now so we don't expend time sorting through information after we've gathered it? 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000029 COVID-19 Tech Taskforce Workstream Name: Hosting and Privacy Members: AWS, Camber, ESRI, Facebook, Google, Harvard School of Public Health, Microsoft, Mozilla, R4, SAP, Salesforce Goals and opportunities To assist researchers at the CDC, academic institutions, and other public-health officials, capture non-clinical location data to assess contact rates, social distancing, effectiveness of policy interventions, and disease surveillance. Planned operation outcome Create a secure, privacy respecting environment for researchers to aggregate and analyze data to forecast and model COVID-19 related location and clinical data. Existing data At the moment, there are no publicly available, or aggregated datasets generally available to researchers. Although some companies have aggregated data, the aggregated data are not made publicly available and, at the moment, are limited only to a set of academic researchers and epidemiologists. As of Tuesday, March 17, 2020, none of the members of the task force have agreed to share data through the task force without further definition of requirements. Concerns The primary concerns related to privacy relate to understanding the extent of consent at the point of data collection, considerations around deidentification and aggregation, guarding against re-identification, maintaining clear guidelines around use of data (including the roles of individuals accessing data, data storage/retention, and data reuse), and around transparency of work. Additionally, security and compliance (both technical and regulatory) present challenges for any data sharing effort. Anticipated Deliverables • A "Principles" document. We need a set of agreed-upon principles to help guide technical and implementation details. This will guide all subsequent deliverables for the task force. • Assistance to entities around deidentification/anonymization efforts (provided sufficient regulatory I legal approval/authority) epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000030 COVID-19 Tech Taskforce Workstream Name: Location Data Members: Camber, ESRI, Facebook, Google, Harvard School of Public Health, Nielsen, Unacast, Uber, Veraset Goals and opportunities To assist researchers at the CDC, academic institutions, and other public-health officials, capture non-clinical location data to assess contact rates, social distancing, effectiveness of policy interventions, and disease surveillance. Planned operation outcome Identify and provide non-clinical geolocation datasets for use in developing forecasting models and informing disease surveillance and policy actions to prevent further spread of the disease. We should leverage existing data to make mathematically informed decisions regarding where to place resources. Possible questions to be answered with our models • Are social distancing policies being obeyed? Are they effective? • Are people staying at home? How do we support them? • What kind of specific messaging works and what doesn't to encourage desired outcomes? • What is causing spread in one area, and how does it allow us to mitigate the risk of spread in other areas? • What patterns are we seeing in transportation? Are people moving away from public transportation in favor of private means? • How can we use data collected to ensure we maintain a supply chain that allows the necessary resources to be allocated to those communities that need them most (e.g., respirators, test kits, etc.)? • How can we coordinate inbound requests to private industry for information to different companies from different agencies and branches of government? Possible products What are the deliverables that government needs from us? We proposed the following: • Development of a data pipeline • Development of coordinated dashboards o Ideally dashboards will be considered an authoritative source o Information could be gathered from WHO, CDC, and foreign governments epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000031 o Information gathered could include: number of individuals tested, confirmed infected, still under investigation, school closures, unemployment, other business metrics, etc. Existing data For this section, we have put together the high-level information we received on the call, please add additional information or correct any errors . What data can we provide? What would be useful for us to gather? • Mobile location data (Camber/Veraset/Unacast) • Trip data (Uber) • Dashboards (ESRI) o Data on hospital beds, number of beds (existing), staffed beds (supported), ICU beds and bed utilization rates. o https://coronavirus-resources .esri.com/ • Media behavior changes (Nielsen) • Potential sociodemographic information and point of interest information Other known working groups / efforts Concerns For this section, we have put together the high-level information we received on the call, please add additional information or correct any errors . • Engaging federal, state, and county government so we don't lose time in coordinating • Complying with regulation and establishing the appropriate data aggregation threshold o Clear messaging that data is aggregated and not personalized o Clear about our data aggregation threshold. This will be different based on size and density of community, and whether it's an open or closed dataset • Privacy (see Hosting/Privacy workstream) • Coordination • Redundancy • Sparsity of data/ data quality • Pipeline access/aggregation/hosting • Update frequency • Ethics/punitive use of data • Ensuring the models we build are effective in future, and not models of past. We need to start predicting, or we won't be helpful in allowing gov to execute on plans and policies for current use case of prevention Requests to the government 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000032 • Who do we coordinate with in government and relevant agencies (FEMA, Census, etc.)? • What are the top questions that we can answer for government? This information will be key in helping us inform our approach and get started more quickly • Data use agreements o Public access files, public utility files • How should we coordinate with Federal, State, and local government most effectively? 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000033 RE: [EXTERNAL] More finalized risk assessment / survey From "Droegemeier, Kelvin K. EOP/OST P" To: "Wilson , Matt 8. EOP/OSTP" .,...~ ----------' ' "Noble , Erik U. EOP/OSTP" Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 09:59:14 -0400 Thanks Matt. From: Wilson , Matt B. EOP/OSTP Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 9:08 AM To: Droegemeier, Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP .......... .....-------------. Noble, Erik U. EOP/OSTP Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] More finalized risk assessment/ survey KDFrom: Droegemeier, Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 9:02 AM To: Noble, Erik U. EOP/OST ....----------, Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] More finalized risk assessment/ survey Good work!! Kelvin From: Noble , Erik U. EOP/OSTP Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 8:59 AM 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000034 To: Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP Cc: Droegemeier, Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP > Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] More finalized risk assessment/ survey htt ://medicalcountermeasures. ov/ Thank you. -Erik *Typed quick ly from my iPhone . Please excuse typos. ** All emai ls and replies are subject to the Freedom of Informat ion Act** On Mar 17, 2020, at 8:17 AM , Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP -----------.a > wrote: 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000035 From: Droegemeier, Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 7:18 AM Cc: Noble, Erik U. EOP/OSTP-- ---------, ; Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL) More finalized risk assessment/ survey Erik and Matt, Kelvin On Mar 16, 2020, at 8:33 PM, Rob Sentz Matt, Erik, Kelvin Had a good call with the Hanger team today. Updating you. wrote: What became clear was our ability to help by placing the survey we have developed inside of this project (perhaps it is the google platform) so that people can take it before they come to get tested. This could help alleviate centers and could help them prioritize higher risk peop le vs those that are low risk or ju st worried b/c their kid has a slight fever (but covid has very little impact on them). >https ://covid-19 .navigo .cc/coronavirus/covid-19-my-risk-assessment < Have you had a chance to take this yet? We are still developing it, but it is working and with some additional attention and investment we could be ready to scale big time this week. There is a lot we could do with this: - help screen people so Walgreens can bring higher priority people to the front - help people self mitigate / provide recommendations on how to lower risk - create a dataset that can be used to evaluate overall population - can add symptom tracker to this (we are doing that now). Let me know how we can push this into the right people . Is Hanger the best place for this now? -R 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000036 [EXTERNAL] Re: Introductions - SAS From Madi Jacox To: Cc: Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 16:59:20 -0400 Hi, JeffTo reiterate, we just wrapped three calls today around the working subgroups of the task force: location data, clinical data, and hosting/privacy to support proper architecture. The best thing to do is get on the phone with SAS and plug them in directly. Unfortunately today's called have passed, but we can do our best to provide synopses of the calls, as well as a broader overview of the Task Force's work, and tee people up for tomorrow's Task Force-wide call at 3pm EST. Thanks, Madi On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 1:51 PM Jeff Mille wrote: Thank you for the connection, Matt. I'm adding to this email SAS' government relations team who can connect you all with their company's relevant experts. SAS looks forward to supporting the Tech Task Force's initiatives, and I defer to Josh and Madi on next steps or follow-ups. Thank you, Jeff Jeff Miller Miller Strategies, LLC ........ .__ __ --J cell >www.millerstrategies .com< 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000037 From: "Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP" Date: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 at 11 :33 AM To: Jeff Miller ,_....._ ______________________ ...,1 Cc: "Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP" Subject: Introduction s - SAS Dear Jeff, Josh, and Madi: Madi Jacox I wanted to introduce Jeff and SAS to the Tech Task Force. SAS has interest and capabilities that potentially could augment the work of the Task Force. See below and attached . Apologies if you have already been connected- I wanted to err on the side of duplication as I know work is moving rapidly. Best, Matt Matthew B. Wilson, PhD Senior Policy Analyst Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President 1650 Pennsylvania Avenue , NW Washington , DC 20502 Subject: SAS COVID-19 Dashboard: Is LIVE 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000038 LIVE! The dashboard is live! Attached is the two-pager we drafted to accompany the email and please use the cover note below to accompany your outreach. I would also suggest you cite the Link to the external SAS Blog's guide to "how to use the dashboard" that provides some additional context to the 'board. We are available to meet in person or remotely to dig into the dashboard , discuss where we are deployed (and how that fed agency is or could be using SAS in the fight vs COVID-19) , as well as other novel ideas for using SAS to address the myriad of challenges to the federal government associated with the outbreak. In response to the outbreak of coronavirus worldwide and in the United States, SAS has created an interactive dashboard using SAS Visual Analytics that depicts case status, impacted locations , geographic spread and trend analysis of the novel coronavirus resulting in COVID-19. The dashboard visually conveys prior and emerging case clusters and geo-maps hotspots. This visualization informs the community as well as government and public health professionals on key public health metrics. It also is useful in informing stakeholders as to whether the threat is a localized epidemic , is under control , or is spreading and transmitting rapidly between geographic areas. This dashboard leverages data pulled from Johns Hopkins University , which synthesizes data from World Health Organization (WHO) , Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), European Centre for Disease Prevention & Control (ECDC) , NHC , and DXY and is updated daily. SAS recognizes governments are dealing with a crisis. In light of the extraordinary circumstances and the public and private outpouring of resources being mustered to fight the outbreak , SAS is providing this dashboard as a public service. The goal is to promote transparency and educate the public on the latest developments with the coronavirus. Specifically , the dashboard provides the capability to: • View the number of new coronavirus cases within the last 10 days; • Review trends of virus' infection rates, recovery rates, and fatality rates; • Discover virus migration ; • Compare Wuhan , the epicenter in China , with the rest of the world ; • Analyze confinned cases to understand recovery rates over time Please note: 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000039 • Make sure to use Safari or Google Chrome or other browsers , NOT Internet Explorer • After clicking on the dashboard link, you will first see the report; at the top right click "Full Report (Desktop Web)." • To gain a State view, go to second tab "location", click other locations on button bar, scroll down to US. • When you click on cases from TODAY on the left it will zoom into a state/county only view Investor I hangar.is 4 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000040 Re: [EXTERNAL] COVID-19 Tech and Research Task Force: March 16 Update From: To: Cc: Date: Attachments Madi Jacox ''Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP" "Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP" Tue, 17 Mar 2020 12:02:35 -0400 Clinical Health Data Workstream .pdf (58.95 kB); Hosting & Privacy Data Workstream.pdf (59.7 1 kB); _Locatio n Data Workstream.pdf (57.96 kB) Thanks for your patience, Matt! Three workstreams, attached. As they change, I'll give a think as how to best keep you up-to-date. On Tue, Mar 17, 2020 at 5: 14 AM Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP Hi Madiwrote: I'd be interested in reading the charters of the three groups. However, Google Docs is blocked on our machines. Are you able to paste them into a word doc or ema il for Lynne and me? If you want to wait until closer to the calls today to ensure they are the latest version, that works. Thank you! Matt From: Madi Jacox Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 8:12 PM To: Dave Zvenyach _._ ___ >; Josh Mendelsohn Subject: [EXTERNAL] COVID-19 Tech and Research Task Force: March 16 Update Hi,All - To those of you that joined our efforts today, welcome. To those who have been with us for a touch longer, thank you for your continued engagement and flexibility with such tight turn-around times. Brief updates, below - 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000041 I. Three calls will be taking place tomorrow , to draft charters and build out more robust considerations in preparation for our Task Force-wide call on Wednesday (03/18): 1. Hosting & Privacy (1 :00-2:20pm EST) 2. Location Data (2:30-3:50pm EST) 3. Clinical Data (4:00-5:20pm EST) If you or your company expressed explicit interest in one of the above , you will have received an invitation with dial-in to that meeting's calendar entry. If you would like to be included in any additional calls, please let me know. Initial invitations were sent in the interest of sparing inboxes a deluge of meetings , but all are open to those who wish to participate. II. We will convene for our next Task Force-wide call on Wednesday (03/18) at 3pm EST. Calendar invite forthcoming. III. Logistics - Three working charters for Hosting & Privacy , Location Data , and Clinical Data are linked. Don't hesitate to add your thoughts , we welcome - and need - collective input. The Slack channel is up and running , with 55 members and growing. Don't hesitate to reach out via that medium should you need to be in touch with anyone on the Task Force. Additionally , should any team members need to be added to communication efforts , let me know. Huge , continued thanks. Looking forward to seeing many of you tomorrow. Until then , be well - Madi Jacox Investor I hangar.is Investor I hangar.is 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000042 Purpose of this document: A Jot of work has already been done by various companies and organizations that can be useful in the response to COV/0-19. In an effort to be comprehensive about that work, identify what gaps exist, and what challenges remain , we ask you to contribute to the below sections in advance of Wednesday's call. COVID-19 Tech Taskforce Workstream Name: Clinical Health Data Members: AWS, Color Genomics, Emsi, Gates, Google, Ro, NAVIGO Goals and opportunities To assist researchers at the CDC, academic institutions, and other public-health officials, capture clinical location data to assess resource capacity, effectiveness of policy interventions, community education, and disease surveillance. Planned operation outcome Identify and provide clinical datasets for use in developing forecasting models and informing disease surveillance. Existing data For this section, we have put together the high-level information we received on the call, please add additional information or correct any errors . • Other known working groups / efforts • NAVIGO is has a public facing assessment that could be used for screening, education, data creation/collection, and other ideas to help improve the interaction at testing centers. Prototype here: https:/ /covid-19 .navigo.cc/coronavi rus/covid-19-my-risk-assessment Concerns For this section, we have put together the high-level information we received on the call, please add additional information or correct any errors. • Privacy • BAAs / PHI • Coordination • Redundancy • Sparsity of data I data quality • Pipeline access/aggregation/hosting • Choke Points in testing processes epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000043 Purpose of this document: A Jot of work has already been done by various companies and organizations that can be useful in the response to COV/0-19. In an effort to be comprehensive about that work, identify what gaps exist, and what challenges remain , we ask you to contribute to the below sections in advance of Wednesday's call. COVID-19 Tech Taskforce Workstream Name: Location Data Members: Camber, ESRI, Facebook, Google, Harvard School of Public Health, Nielsen, Unacast, Uber, Veraset Goals and opportunities To assist researchers at the CDC, academic institutions, and other public-health officials, capture non-clinical location data to assess contact rates, social distancing, effectiveness of policy interventions, and disease surveillance. Planned operation outcome Identify and provide non-clinical geolocation datasets for use in developing forecasting models and informing disease surveillance. Existing data For this section, we have put together the high-level information we received on the call, please add additional information or correct any errors. • Veraset/Unacast/Camber. Mobile location data. • Uber. Trip data. • Google. Search data. • Esri. Hospital location data, bed capacity/utilization. • Nielsen. Media behavior changes. Other known working groups / efforts Concerns For this section , we have put together the high-level information we received on the call, please add additional information or correct any errors. • Privacy • Coordination • Redundancy • Sparsity of data I data quality • Pipeline access/aggregation/hosting epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000044 Purpose of this document: A Jot of work has already been done by various companies and organizations that can be useful in the response to COV/0 - 19. In an effort to be comprehensive about that work, identify what gaps exist, and what challenges remain, we ask you to contribute to the below sections in advance of Wednesday 's call. COVID-19 Tech Taskforce Workstream Name: Hosting and Privacy Members: AWS, ESRI, Facebook, Google, Harvard School of Public Health, Microsoft, Mozilla, Salesforce Goals and opportunities To assist researchers at the CDC, academic institutions, and other public-health officials, capture non-clinical location data to assess contact rates, social distancing, effectiveness of policy interventions, and disease surveillance. Planned operation outcome Create a secure, privacy respecting environment for researchers to aggregate and analyze data to forecast and model COVID-19 related location and clinical data. Existing data For this section, we have put together the high-level information we received on the call, please add additional information or correct any errors . Other known working groups / efforts Concerns For this section, we have put together the high-level information we received on the call, please add additional information or correct any errors . • Privacy • Security I compliance • Coordination • Redundancy • Pipeline access/aggregation/hosting • Authentication/ Authorization • Data retention • Concerns about reidentification, "deanonymization" and joining multiple datasets. • Limitations on repurposing of data provided for non-coronavirus related purposes • Limitations on providing data on non-United States persons epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000045 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000046 RE: [EXTERNAL] Follow up From: "Wilson , Matt B. EOP/OSTP" "Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP" ,.;;;;sa;;;a. _________ _, >, "Baum , To: Kristina R. EOP/OSTP" Cc: "Kratsios , Michael J. EOP/OSTP" ___ ________ >, "Parker, Lyn ne ... E. EOP/OSTP" ._....._ _______ _, Date: Tue, 17 Mar 2020 08:01: 12 -0400 Attachments Tech Task Force 15Mar20 - Raw Notesv2.docx (27.78 kB) Elena and Kristina (b) (5) Matt From: Parker , Lynne E. EOP/OSTP <imc========i Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 7:56 AM To: Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP Wil son, Matt B. EOP/OSTP Cc: Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Follow up ; Baum, Kristina R. EOP/OSTP Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP From: Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP ----------------J Sent: Tuesday , Ma rch 17, 2020 7:45 AM To: Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OST =------------. Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP ._.._., ________ __, ; W ilson, 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000047 Matt B. EOP/OSTP Subject: RE: [EXTERNAL] Follow up From: Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 9:59 PM To: Michael J. EOP/OSTP Kratsios ..- ----------, ---------------. Kristina R. EOP/OSTP Baum Matt B. EOP/OSTP_llll&' __ .!5!!!!5!:::======::::;--------------" Subject: FW: [EXTERNAL] Follow up Thank you all! From: Romm, Ton Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 9:35 PM To: Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OST oilil"'" -----------, Cc: Baum, Krist ina R. EOP/OSTP Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Follow up Thanks. Can you hop on the phone one last t ime because I do want to make sure I'm describing th ings accurately . (This makes it seem like the government isn't planning to use t he data, which I think is the whole point -- to help you guys.) Thanks again Tony Romm Tech policy reporter 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000048 The Washington Post Sorry for the delay- here you go: Attributable to an OSTP official: We're encoura ged by American technology companie s looking to leverage aggregate, anonymiz ed data to glean key insights for COVID-19 modeling efforts. We are continu ing to engage with a wide variety of companies and industry associations as part of our whole-of-America response. From: Romm , Tony Sent: Monday , Ma rch 16, 2020 9:04 PM To: Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP <l L=========] Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Follow up Hola, check ing back in, thanks a ton Tony Romm Tech policy reporter The Washington Post From; Romm, Tony Sent: Monday , Ma rch 16, 2020 7:57 PM To: Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Follow up -----------, Just in advance, how would we attr ibute this? SAO? Someth ing else? Than ks much. Tony Romm Tech policy reporter The Washington Post 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000049 From: Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP Sent: Monday, March 16, 2020 7:56 PM To: Romm, Tony _______________, Subject: Re: [EXTERNAL] Follow up I CAUTION: EXTERNAL SENDER I'll be able to send you some written comment on background in next hour On Mar 16, 2020 , at 7:45 PM, Romm, Tony wrote: Hey -- this is coming together quickly . Reaching back out as promised. Any chance we can connect? Thanks. Tony Romm Tech policy reporter The Washington Post 4 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000050 From "Waterman , Paige E. EOP/OSTP" "Watson, Ian D. EOP/OSTP"a:;aoa:;;a ________ _, To: ____ _,, "Kratsios , Michael J . EOP/OSTP" "Parke r, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP " Cc: Date: Wed , 18 Mar 2020 07:04 :13 -0400 Paige Ian D. Watson Assistant Director for Biotechno logy & Biosecurity Office of Science & Technology Policy Office: EEO 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000051 From: George, Dylan Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 5:47 PM To: Watson, Ian D. EOP/OSTP ...- ----------, ; Waterman, Paige E. EOP/OSTP >; Borio, Luciana ;;&. ____ __, Ian, Paige Dylan "Th is e-mai l, and any attachments hereto , may contain information that is privileged , proprietary , confidentia l and/or exempt from disclosure under law and are intended only for the designated addressee(s) . If you are not the intended recipient of this message , or a person authorized to receive it on behalf of the intended recipient , you are hereby notified that you must not use, disseminate , copy in any form, or take any action based upon the email or information contained therein. If you have received this email in error, please permanently and immed iately delete it and any copies of it, including any attachments , and promptly notify the sender at ln-Q-Te l by reply e-mai l, fax: 703-248-300 1, or phone: 703-248-3000. Thank you for your cooperation. For information about how we use personal data that you provide to us either directly or that we collect through your use of this Webs ite, and appl icable rights under the EU GDPR, please see our Privacy Policy, which can be found here >http://www.iqt.org /privacy-policy<. " 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000052 Re: location data & novel coronavirus From: To: "Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP" Cc: "Kratsios , Michael J. EOP/OSTP" Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 13:01:42 -0400 Kristina Baum Communications Director Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President The White House From: Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:48 PM > To: Baum, Kristina R. EOP/OSTP,.......,----------, ; Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP Subject: RE: location data & novel coronavirus hanks! From: Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:47 PM To: Baum, Kristina R. EOP/osrp --== ----------, Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP Subject: RE: location data & novel coronavirus From: Baum, Kristina R. EOP/OSTP Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:39 PM To: Kratsios, Michae l J. EOP/OSTP_..--------------. . Hernandez, Elena R. EOP/OSTP Subject: Fwd: location data & nove l coronavirus 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000053 Kristina Baum Communications Director Office of Science and Technology Policy Executive Office of the President The White House Begin forwarded message: From: "Deere, Judd P. EOP/WHO" &;;aa;;;;II '------------' Date: March 18, 2020 at 12:17:44 PM EDT To: "Baum, Kristina R. EOP/OSTP" ,------------, Subject: FW: location data & novel coronavirus From: Mailbox WHO Press 45 <whopress@who.eop .gov> Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:17 PM To: Deere, Judd P. EOP/WHO -- ------------. Subject: FW: location data & novel coronav irus From: Perera, David (MLEX-USADC0ll) Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:15 PM To: Mailbox WHO Press 45 ______ _______ _, Subject: [EXTERNAL] location data & novel coronavirus Hi, Can you please confirm that the WH had convened a tech task force led by Michae l Kratsios meant to use expertise from Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Goog le, IBM, and Clearv iew in order to limit the spread of novel coronavirus? Has any decision been made about the use of smartphone locat ion data for contact tracing or monitoring population mobility trends? When will the next meeting be? Thanks, Dave MLEX Market Insight 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000054 David Perera I MLex data securit perera@mlex .com I o 1776 I (Eye) Street NW Suite 260 I Washington , D.C. 20006 1 United States I >www .mlexmarketins ight.com< I >www .ftcwatch .com< 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000055 [EXTERNAL] Re: COVID-19 Tech and Research Task Force: March 17 Update From Madi Jacox To: Rob Sentz > Cc: Date: Wed , 18 Mar 2020 19:10:17 -0400 Hi, RobMany thanks for your continued support. Please don't let this group hold up your dissemination ofNavigo's product. Our mandate is working towards answering a few targeted research questions from the public health conunwlity (CDC, etc.). We appreciate any insight you can lend, as always, and hope you'll stay in the loop as the workstrearns continue to develop. Madi On Wed, Mar 18, 2020 at 3:51 PM Rob Sentz Madi I all wrote: Thanks for the note and we appreciate your help. We continue to get interest from the assessment we have developed. >https://covid-19.navigo.cc/coronavirus/covid-l9-my-risk-assessment< (made a few more updates today). I am now turning to the recommendations section so we can refine that. The big point here is that we think this thing can help to limit fear, panic, etc and can simultaneously help the various systems do better screening. We would love to help you all. To help, we made another summary that shows how this could be plugged into the process. If there is something we can do better let me know. Further, we are receiving interest from other groups on this. At this point, my inclination is to pursue those to help get this out there and going to see if it can help people and systems. Let me know if you see any issues there. If any of you would like to talk directly or want to catch up, I am ready. Thanks and best of luck on you and your work. We are praying and working hard to help our nation right now and are confident that we will get there. I hope the panic and fear can be reduced and that is our goal. Rob call anytime 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000056 Hello , AllApologies for the short notice , but we are pul ling down today's call due to an unexpected scheduling challenge . We'll dissem inate options for alternative times in the coming days . Any questions , please don't hes itate to be in touch. Continued thanks , Madi On Tue , Mar 17, 2020 at 5:32 PM Madi Jacox Hi.All- ____ _,,> wrote: Many thanks to those of you that were able to join today's workstream calls . They were qu ite productive, and we're excited to bring their learnings back to the broader group, along with Task Force-wide next steps, tomorrow (03/18) at 3pm EST. Updated workstream documents are linked below , and attached in PDF forma t: I. Hosting & Privacy 11. Location Data Ill. Clin ical Data Please familiar ize yourse lf with the updated documents , and continue to loop in those from your team who are increasingly relevant. Zoom Meeting Details for Wed. (03/18), 3-4pm EST >https ://zoom . us/j/203635029< Finally, as press becomes aware of and interested in developments around the response to COVID-19 , our pos ition is and has been that no commitments have been made from the Task Force and that we are working to ensure close coo rdination with the White House and pub lic health researchers . To the extent that individuals do speak to the press , please ensure nonattribution of information and , further , do not suggest that organizations have made any type of binding commitment. Aga in, continued thanks for both your input and time . We're cont inuing to move forward, and excited by the momen tum this group has. Any questions or concerns , please don't hesitate to be in touch . Madi Investor I hangar .is Investor I hangar .is 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000057 Investor I hangar.is 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000058 From: "George, Dylan' To: "Watson, Ian D. EOP/OSTP" Cc: "Taylor, Jake M. EOP/OSTP"a;;a~---------' Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 11:14:59 -0400 Ian Thanks for the connect . Jake Best Dylan IQTI Dylan George Vice President, BNext - Technical Staff M : W: >www.iqt.org< Linked ln: >https://www.linkedin.com/in/dylangeorge/< Twitter: @dylanbgeorge From : "Watson, Ian D. EOP/OSTP" Date: Wednesd ay, March 18, 2020 at 11:11 AM To : Dylan George Cc: "Taylor, Jake M. EOP/OSTP" Subject : FW: 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000059 Ian D. Watson Assistant Director for Biotechno logy & Biosecurity Office of Science & Technology Policy Office: EEOB Desk Cell: Thanks. Ian D. Watson Assistant Director for Biotechno logy & Biosecurity Office of Science & Technology Policy Office: EEOB SIPR From: George, Dylan Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 5:47 PM To: Watson , Ian D. EOP/OSTP <~- ~--------, Waterman, Paige E. EOP/OSTP _______ _, Borio, Luciana 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000060 Ian, Paige All the best Dylan "This e-mail. and any attachments hereto. may contain information that is privileged. proprietary. confidential and/or exempt from disclosure under law and are intended only for the designated addressee(s ). If you are not the intended recipient of this message, or a person authorized to receive it on behalf of the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you must not use, disseminate, copy in any form, or take any action based upon the email or information contained therein. If you have received this email in error, please permanently and immediately delete it and any copies of it, including any attachments , and promptly notify the sender at ln-0-Te l by reply e-mail, fax: 703-248-3001, or phone: 703-248-3000. Thank you for your cooperation. For information about how we use personal data that you provide to us either directly or that we collect through your use of this Website , and applicab le rights under the EU GDPR, please see our Privacy Policy, which can be found here »http://www.iqt.org/privacy -policy«;." "This e-mail, and any attachments hereto, may contain information that is privileged, proprietary, confidentia l and/or exempt from disclosure under law and are intended only for the designated addressee(s) . If you are not the intended recipient of this message, or a person authorized to receive it on behalf of the intended recipie nt, you are hereby notified that you must not use, disseminate , copy in any form, or take any action based upon the email or information contained therein. If you have received this email in error, please permanently and immediately delete it and any copies of it, including any attachments , and promptly notify the sender at ln-0-Te l by reply e-mail, fax: 703-248-3001, or phone: 703-248-3000. Thank you for your cooperation. For informat ion about how we use personal data that you provide to us e ither direct ly or that we collect through your use of this Webs ite , and applicable rights under the EU GDPR, please see our Privacy Policy, which can be found here >http://www.iqt.o rg/privacy-policy<. " 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000061 Industry outreach -- for cataloguing #3 From: To: Cc: Date: Attachments "Parker , Lynne E. EOP/OSTP' Wed, 18 Mar 2020 17:44:01 -0400 RE: [EXTERNAL] Dataminr/Tech Company Task Force (300.54 kB); [EXTERNAL] Re: Connecting Rolf/ Derek (COVID- 19) (113.66 kB); [EXTERNAL] Re: COVID-19 Tech and Research Task Force: March 17 Update (633.34 kB) 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000062 RE: [EXTERNAL] Dataminr/Tech Company Task Force From: "Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP' To: Date: Attachments ....----;;,, _'-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-..,---' "Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP" _._ _________ • "Droegemeier , Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP" "Doster, Kim M. EOP/OSTP" : :::=====-=--=--=--=--=--=--=--=----_-_-_-_,---' ;;or,_ ________ __,, "Wilson, Matt 8. EOP/OSTP" Wed, 18 Mar 2020 17:22:18 -0400 Unnamed Attachment (68 bytes); Unnamed Attachment (68 bytes) Many thanks for reaching out ted. Kelvin on my team is working a number of these data related issues. + Kim who can help find a time for him to connect with you. Best, Michae l From: Ted Bailey Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2020 1:15 PM To: Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP; Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP Subject: [EXTERNAL) Dataminr/Tech Company Task Force Michae l and Lynne, As the CEO and Founder of Dataminr, I wanted to offer our company's full assistance to the U.S. government in responding to the Coronavirus crisis. 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000063 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000064 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000065 Ted Bailey Ted Bailey Founder and CEO 0: ,II "ll'li' ....... ..-- .......... 6 . n ree, 2 New York, NY 10016 About Dataminr• Dataminr Blog I Al for Good I Twitter I linked ln j lnstagram Forbes Al 50 I Deloitte Fast 500 I Forbes Cloud 100 I Al Breakth rough This message (and any associated files) is intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed and may contain information that is confidential and/or proprietary. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, copying or d1stnbut1on of this message, or files associated with this message, 1s strictly prohibited. If you have received this message 1n error, please notify us immediate ly by replying to the message and deleting it. 4 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000066 [EXTERNAL] Re: COVID-19 Tech and Research Task Force: March 17 Update From: Rob Sentz To: Madi Jacox Josh Mendelsohn Lynne E. EOP/OSTP' "Kratsios, Michael J. Cc: EOP/OSTP"._...., __________ >, "Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP" , "Droegemeier , Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP" :::====================~---. Date: Wed, 18 Mar 2020 18:51 :35 -0400 Attachments Navigo COVID-19 Solutions_V1.pptx (537.67 kB) Madi / all Thanks for the note and we appreciate your help. We continue to get interest from the assessment we have developed. >https://covid-19.navigo.cc/coronavirus/covid-19-my-risk-assessmeut< (made a few more updates today). I am now turning to the recommendations section so we can refine that. The big point here is that we think this thing can help to limit fear, panic , etc and can simultaneously help the various systems do better screening. We would love to hel1> you all. To help, we made another smnmary that shows how this could be plugged into the process. If there is something we can do better let me know. Further, we are receiving interest from other groups on this. At this point, my inclination is to pursue those to help get this out there and going to see if it can help people and systems. Let me know if you see any issues there. If any of you would like to talk directly or want to catch up, I am ready. Thanks and best of luck on you and your work. We are praying and working hard to help our nation right now and are confident that we will get there. I hope the panic and fear can be reduced and that is our goal. Rob call anytime wrote: Hello, AllApologies for the short notice, but we are pulling down today's call due to an unexpected scheduling challenge. We'll disseminate options for alternative times in the coming days . 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000067 Any questions, please don't hesitate to be in touch. Continued thanks , Madi On Tue , Mar 17, 2020 at 5:32 PM Madi Jacox Hi. All - _____ ., wrote: Many thanks to those of you that were able to join today's workstream cal ls. They were quite productive , and we're excited to bring their learnings back to the broader group , along with Task Force-wide next steps , tomorrow (03/18) at 3pm EST. Updated workstream documents are linked below, and attached in PDF format: I. Hosting & Privacy II. Location Data Ill. Clinical Data Please familiarize yourself with the updated documents, and continue to loop in those from your team who are increasingly relevant. Zoom Meeting Details for Wed. (03/18), 3-4pm EST Finally, as press becomes aware of and interested in developments around the response to COVID- 19, our position is and has been that no commitments have been made from the Task Force and that we are working to ensure close coordinat ion with the White House and public health researchers . To the extent that individuals do speak to the press, please ensure non-attribution of informat ion and, further, do not suggest that organizations have made any type of binding commitment. Again , continued thanks for both your input and time . We're cont inuing to move forward , and excited by the momentum this group has. Any questions or concerns , please don't hesitate to be in touch. Madi Investor I hangar is Investor I hangar.is 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000068 NAVIGO Better data to manage the COVID19 response A crit ical component to a well calibrated COVID-19 response is good information , communication, and coordination. We believe that a survey instrument could greatly reduce panic and could help enhance our testing/screen ing response on a variety of fronts. 3/18/2020 Provided by NAVIGO Benjamin Nieuwsma, CEO epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000069 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000070 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000071 4 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000072 5 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000073 6 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000074 --..J About Navigo Navi&Q helps organizations better understand and mitigate risks their employees face when they travel and work around the world. To help communities manage the COVID-19 outbreak, we have developed a software system to help organizations manage and distribute the right information with the goal of reducing confusion and creating leading strategies to keep their communities and people connected to mitigate the coronavirus outbreak. https://covid -19.navigo.cc/SARS-CoV-2-response epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000075 [EXTERNAL] Re: Connecting Rolf/ Derek (COVID-19) From Kyla Lehner To: "Lira , Mathew L. EOP/W HO" _._ _______ __, , "Calcagno, Drew A. Cc: EOP/OSTP" -- ----------, "Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP" il C=======::J Droegemeier, Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP" ':-C:,":.':--:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:..-:....,--' Date: Wed , 18 Mar 2020 16:04:21 -0400 Rolf and Na t to Bee, +Aleab for Nat's calendar Hello.Kim, , "Wilson, Matt B. EOP/OSTP" ~-------- Please let me know Kelvin's availability . I will make sure to prioritize this for Rolf. Thank you! Kyla Lehner From: Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/0STP Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:42 PM To: Rolf Harms; David Morrell; Kyla Lehner; Nat Friedman , "Kratsios, Cc: Lira, Mathew L. EOP/WH0; Calcagno, Drew A. EOP/0STP; Parker, Lynne E. EOP/0STP; Droegemeier, Kelvin K. EOP/0STP; Wilson, Matt B. EOP/0STP; Doster, Kim M. EOP/0STP Subject: [EXTERNAL) RE: Connecting Rolf/ Derek (C0VID-19) Derek to bee. Thanks guys. Looping in Kelvin on my team who is he lping drive a lot of the modeling/data work. He is be best positioned to take lead on the call. Kim can help schedule on his end. 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000076 --------------Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP Subject: [EXTERNAL) RE: Connecting Rolf/ Derek {COVID-19) Thanks Derek and David. Good to meet you all as well. Also adding the CEO of Github @Nat Friedman I know there are many init iatives ongoing but at Microsoft and Gihub we are ready and willing to help in any way we can We are currently work ing on a coup le of things with a number of teams that may be of inte rest and can discuss more on the call: 1. Getting real time ICU utilization data - we have a team that is work ing with local hospita ls in Seattle on a very simple mobile app to collect ICU and other data . It has been tested with 50 nurses and is being rol led out across a number of hospitals tomorrow. We are putting together a proposal to imp lement this at a national level in a very rapid fashion 2. This approach could perhaps also be applied to get better visibility into testing data, particularly as testing expands across the private sector 3. To improve global collaboration on pandemic modelling, we are th inking through how Github could be a central repository for folks to collaborate on and refine models We would love to understand the areas that are of greatest need & urgency and we can work on marshaling Microsoft's resources to address them @Kyla Lehner for scheduling on my end but will prioritize this Rolf From: Kratsios, Michael J. EOP/OSTP Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 12:26 PM To: Kan, Derek T._Er-O_P..:, /_O_M_ B!5!!!!!::!!i::::::===;------- David Morrell ._.._. ________ .. Rolf Harms Cc: Lira, Mathew L. EOP/WHO ;;;a_ _______ ..,,>; Calcagno, Drew A. EOP/OSTP _._ _________ _,; Parker, Lynne E. EOP/OSTP _._ ________ .. > Subject: [EXTERNAL) RE: Connecting Rolf/ Derek {COVID-19) Thanks Derek! Great to meet you guys. Would be happy to schedule a quick call. + Drew who can help us find a time. From: Kan, Derek T. EOP/OMB Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 3:11 PM To: David Morre I I -----~=:: =::::::l: ;_R_o_lf_H_a r_m_s..!!:!!5!!:::::===;;:-:--::-::-"'.":""-~ ;;;a_ _________ __. Lira, Mathew L. EOP/WHO Subject: RE: Connecting Rolf/ Derek (COVID-19) 0-Mo, 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000077 Great to hear from you. I'm adding Michael Kratsios, the US Government's CTO, and Matt Lira. Thanks. Derek From: David Morrell Sent: Wednesday, March 18, 2020 3:07 PM To: Rolf Harms _._ ________ _,Kan, Derek T. EOP/OMB._.._. __________ _. Subject: [EXTERNAL) Connecting Rolf/ Derek (COVID-19) Hey Derek, I'd like to connect you with Rolf Harms who runs the corporate strategy group for Microsoft's Cloud+ Al business. He's been coordinating with Brad Smith (President/ chief legal officer) and Nat Friedman (CEO GitHub) on some ways that Microsoft can assist in the governments efforts to prevent the spread and mitigate the effects of COVID-19. I mentioned to Rolf that you'd like to get him in contact with your CTO and that a brief summary of some potential areas of assistance might be helpful. I'll let him weigh in with more detail there. Give me a ring if you need anything else. David 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000078 RE: From: "Kjelland , Christin C. EOP/OSTP" > To: "Droegemeier , Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP' Date: Thu, 19 Mar 2020 08:54:49 -0400 Attachments HI Kelvin, Of course - here is the link to the SharePoint, and the documents are attached. Many of them are from Paige, Ian Simon, and Man also. Best, Christin -----Original Message----- From: Droegemeier, Kelvin K. EOP/OSTP Sent: Thursday, March 19, 2020 7:11 AM ,._.ac;a. __________ __,1 To: Kjelland, Christin C. EOP/OSTP ..........----------, Subject: Hi Christin, Thanks! Kelvin 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000079 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000080 ' 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000081 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000082 [ADJ DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE Page [APG] of [ANP] 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000083 [AD) DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE Page [APG] of [ANP] 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000084 [ADJ DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE 3 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000085 [AD) DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE Page [APG] of [ANP] 4 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000086 [ADJ DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE 5 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000087 [ADJ DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE 6 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000088 [ADJ DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE 7 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000089 [ADJ DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE 8 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000090 [ADJ DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE 9 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000091 DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE Page [APG] of [ANP] 10 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000092 DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE Page [APG] of [ANP] 11 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000093 [ADJ DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE 12 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000094 [ADJ DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE 13 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000095 [AD) DRAFT - DELIBERATIVE Page [APG] of [ANP] 14 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000096 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000097 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000098 1 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000099 2 epic.org EPIC-20-03-24-OSTP-FOIA-20200715-Production-pt1 000100 [ADJ DELIBERATIVE I DRAFT 1
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