Blair Anderson Blair has a account Director, AWS Public Policy at Amazon Washington, District Of Columbia 500+ connections Contact info Amazon Princeton University About Proven executive leadership skills with a long track record of producing success in corporate and government e... see more Experience Amazon Director, AWS Public Policy Company NameAmazon Dates EmployedFeb 2017 – Present Employment Duration3 yrs 7 mos LocationWashington D.C. Metro Area U.S. Department of Transportation Under Secretary of Transportation for Policy Company NameU.S. Department of Transportation Dates EmployedJul 2016 – Jan 2017 Employment Duration7 mos Confirmed by U.S. Senate on July 14, 2016 to third ranking position in USDOT. Responsible for Department's policy positions across an organization of 55,000 people and covering highway, aviation, rail and maritime issues. Emphasis on emerging transportation technologies, including self driving cars and drones. Lead the development of the first-of-its-kind Federal Automated Vehicle Policy and connected vehicle communications technologies. Regularly engage with members of Congress and represent the department at public events and with the media. Manage the Department's two largest and most popular discretionary grant programs, TIGER and FASTLANE, providing $1.4 billion to projects annually. Responsible for Department's Build America Bureau, a one-stop shop for infrastructure projects seeking financing. … see more National Highway Traffic Safety Administration Deputy Administrator Company NameNational Highway Traffic Safety Administration Dates EmployedAug 2015 – Jul 2016 Employment Duration1 yr Second in command at agency in charge of car safety. Responsible for Agency’s advanced vehicle initiatives, including: development of Federal Automated Vehicle Policy, cybersecurity, development of a vehicle to vehicle communications rule and generally led efforts that facilitate vehicle innovation and accelerate connected automation. Expert in Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards and oversaw enhancements to Agency oversight procedures. During tenure, Agency under took largest car recall in history and revamped the 5-star crash rating system that is on every new vehicle. … see more U.S. Department of Transportation Acting CFO/Deputy Assistant Secretary for Finance and Budget Company NameU.S. Department of Transportation Dates EmployedApr 2013 – Aug 2015 Employment Duration2 yrs 5 mos As Chief Financial Officer, was responsible for an over $70 billion operating budget. Played key leadership role in multiple Departmental successes, including: Development of GROW AMERICA Act, expanded use of innovative financing for infrastructure projects, growing the TIFIA program to 45 active agreements with a portfolio over $20 billion, and managed the congressional rollout of two Departmental budgets. … see more Congressman John Olver Company NameCongressman John Olver Total Duration8 yrs 6 mos TitleSenior Advisor Dates EmployedMar 2009 – Jan 2013 Employment Duration3 yrs 11 mos Senior Policy Advisor for Congressman's work as Chairman of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Transportation and Housing, during which time oversaw the creation and annual funding of the TIGER grant program and High Speed Rail program. … see more TitleLegislative Director Dates EmployedJul 2007 – Mar 2009 Employment Duration1 yr 9 mos Managed seven person legislative staff and oversaw Congressman's legislative portfolio, while providing direct advice on energy and environmental issues. … see more Show 1 more role Show 1 more experience Education Princeton University Princeton University Degree NameBAField Of StudyEcology & Evolutionary Biology Dates attended or expected graduation1997 – 2001 Wrote senior thesis on "Spatial Distribution Patterns Across Age Classes of Chromis Cyanea," based on independent field research. Skills & Endorsements Public Policy See 8 endorsements for Public Policy8 person Endorsed by Jon Niedzielski and 3 others who are highly skilled at this Government Relations Governmental Affairs