Partner 21st Century Community Learning Centers
Partner Communities In Schools (CIS)
Notes 21st Century Community Learning Centers 21st Century Community Learning Centers (21st CCLC) grants support local school and community based providers of afterschool and summer learning programs. This investment brings quality enrichment activities, like tutoring, STEM exploration and field trips, to more than 1.6 million children who attend resource-strapped schools in high-need communities that may not be able to provide these programs without this support. Over two decades of data show the positive effects of afterschool on student achievement, attendance and graduation rates – and parents and families agree that afterschool is important. Afterschool programs keep children and teenagers safe and support working families. Read more about these results. Communities In Schools leverages 21st CCLC to provide afterschool and enrichment activities in schools nationwide, and many of the partners we collaborate with to align supports also rely on this funding. Eliminating 21st CCLC would make it more difficult for the at-risk students most in need of these services to access them.
Updated over 5 years ago