Leadership & Staff
William E Milliken
Founder of Communities in Schools
Rehan Dawer
Partner ValueBridge International
Anna Eastman
Former HISD Trustee District I and pro-charter/privation
Dan Cardinali
President and CEO of Independent Sector
Robertson Foundation
Hedge fund manager Julian Robertson's foundation
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
By bringing world class engineering to the front lines of science and education, we can build new tools and technologies that help organizations scale.
The Walmart Foundation
Wal-Mart foundation
Rebuild Texas
Post Harvey Disaster Relief
Sanford Harmony SEL Curriculum
Associated with National University
Players Coalition
NFL Affiliated Program of Police / Community Relations
Lucky Brand
Fashion Denim, Los Angeles
Hudson Group
East Rutherford, New Jersey, based retailer which operates a chain of newsstands, bookstores, fast food restaurants, and other retail stores chiefly at airports in the United States
FCA Foundation
Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
All Kids Alliance, Cradle to Career
Strive Network, Houston, TX
Strive Together
Program of Knoweldgeworks, Impact Investing, Cradle to Career Pipelines
Child Organizations
The Growing Convergence of Community Schools and Expanded Learning Opportunities
2013 White Paper: Communities in Schools, Institute for Educational Leadership
Integrated Student Supports (ISS)
School Based Wrap Around Service Delivery from Communities in Schools
Work To Be Done: Communities in Schools Business Plan 2018-2011
Program To Scale Wrap Around Service Delivery
Presidents' Summit Alliance
Group Promoting the 1997 Summit
Services & Transactions
Bridgespan Group
Philanthropy advising for nonprofits
Miscellaneous Relationships
Communities In Schools of Houston
Community services for K-12, community college
Dallas Education Non-Profit, Strive Together Network Partner
E3 Alliance
Ed reform org
21st Century Community Learning Centers
1994 Federal Legislation Creating After School Program Delivery
Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)
Federal Ed Reform Legislation Signed by Obama in 2015
Diplomas Now
Helps the right students at the right time