Jonathan Greenblatt had a position (Founder) at All For Good

Title Founder
Start Date 2009-00-00
End Date 2011-00-00
Is Current no
Notes Founder and President Company NameAll for Good Dates EmployedJan 2009 – Mar 2011 Employment Duration2 yrs 3 mos LocationLos Angeles, CA In early 2009, I founded All for Good (AFG), the open source platform for service and one of the largest databases of volunteer opportunities on the Internet. I collaborated with leadership at Google to incubate AFG. Its initial design was enabled through Google engineering support as a 20% project inside the company. I raised investment capital for AFG from Google along with P&G, Gap and other sources. As founder and CEO, I led all aspects of the business including fundraising, product design, partnership development, marketing and strategy. AFG was acquired by Points of Light in 2011. See less
Updated over 5 years ago

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