Title Executive Director
Start Date 2013-00-00
Executive yes
Notes Mitch Little is the Executive Director of the Mayor’s Office of Community Empowerment and Opportunity. He previously served as Deputy Executive Director for the organization through an appointment by Mayor Michael A. Nutter in 2013. The same year, CEO released “Shared Prosperity Philadelphia, Our Plan to Fight Poverty” and is charged with its implementation. As the Community Action Agency for the city and county of Philadelphia, CEO seeks to align the city’s efforts to lift individuals and communities out of poverty and increase opportunities for low income individuals and families using a “collective impact” model. The agency also acts as a convener, funder, and evaluator contracting with a wide variety of grantees to advance CSBG supported initiatives in benefit access, housing security, learning preparedness, financial security, and workforce development. Mitch serves on a number of Boards of Directors including YesPhilly, an alternative school for out-of-school young adults, and mentors young professionals as a member of the African-Americans in Government Mentoring Program. Mitch Little holds a Master’s of Science degree from the University of Pennsylvania in Public and Non-Profit Leadership. Prior to joining local government Mitch spent four years as a Social Worker working with families involved in the city’s child welfare system. The next eleven years in the non-profit sector were spent providing community based services throughout Philadelphia focusing on community development, early childhood education, youth enrichment and diversion programming, and workforce development.
Updated over 6 years ago

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