Business Positions
BusinesSuites, LLP
Nationwide office business center
LBJ Family Wealth Advisors, Ltd.
A multi-family office based in Austin, Texas
LBJ Holding Company
The parent organization for the Johnson family business interests
Board Memberships
Texas Capital Bancshares, Inc.
Bank holding company, which currently provides commercial banking services to its customers in Texas and concentrates on middle market commercial and high net worth customers.
Federal Election Campaign Contributions
Hillary Clinton
US Secretary of State & NY Senator; 2016 Democratic Presidential candidate
Democratic National Committee
Governing body for the U.S. Democratic Party
John William Carter
Son of President Jimmy Carter; unsuccessful candidate for US Senate in Nevada in 2006
Michelle Nunn
President and CEO CARE USA; Co-Founder and CEO, Points of Light Hands On Network
Thomas Chester Edwards
US Representative from Texas
Dick Gephardt
Former House Minority Leader (D, MO)
Luci Baines Johnson
Daughter of Lyndon B. Johnson