Excellerate Schools, LLC
Charter Schools USA Sister LLC
Red Apple Development, LLC
Charter Schools USA Sister Limited Liability Company - Charter School Development
Altitude Education USA, LLC
Charter Schools USA Sister LLC - Social Emotional Learning Curriculum
Charter Employee Services, LLC
Charter Schools USA Sister LLC
Turtle Creek Development, LLC
Charter Schools USA Sister Company
Launched Education, LLC
Charter Schools USA Sister LLC
40th Holding, LLC
Charter Schools USA Sister Company
Green Apple Financing, LLC
Charter Schools USA Sister LLC - Financing
10jin, LLC
Charter Schools USA Sister Limited Liability Company - Technology Solutions
Red Apple Services, LLC
Charter Schools USA Sister Limited Liability Company - Custodial Services
Board Memberships
Florida Charter School Alliance
Florida charter school group
Charter Schools USA, Inc.
For-profit Education Management Organization (EMO) with charter schools in 5 states. CSUSA is the main corporate entity, and has numerous affiliated LLCs.
Foundation for Florida's Future
nonprofit founded by Jeb Bush to promote charter schools
The Heritage Foundation
Conservative think tank
Sherry Hage
Founder and Chief Academic Officer for Charter Schools USA; CEO of Noble Education Initiative. Married to CSUSA CEO Jonathan Hage.
Services & Transactions
Liberty City Charter School
defunct charter school in Miami, FL
Rick Scott
Senator from Florida; former Governor of Florida; richest member of Congress
Miscellaneous Relationships
Jonathan D Mariner
Former CFO, EVP - Major League Baseball
Knowledge Universe
Oregon-Based Childcare, Became KinderCare in 2016
Ron Packard
Founder/CEO of Pansophic Learning and ACCEL Schools, Former Founder/CEO of K12 Inc.