15th President of the United States; Secretary of State
People in Common Orgs
People with positions in the same orgs as James Buchanan
PersonCommon Orgs
John Quincy Adams US House of Representatives, US Senate, US Department of State, Executive Branch, Embassy of the United States: London, UK
James Monroe US Department of State, Executive Branch, Embassy of the United States: London, UK
Martin Van Buren US Department of State, Executive Branch, Embassy of the United States: London, UK
William Henry Harrison US House of Representatives, US Senate, Executive Branch
Kenneth B Keating US House of Representatives, US Senate, US Department of State
Mike Mansfield US House of Representatives, US Senate, US Department of State
Carter Glass US House of Representatives, US Senate
Tom Cotton US House of Representatives, US Senate
Estes Kefauver US House of Representatives, US Senate
John Milton Hay US Department of State, Embassy of the United States: London, UK
Louis B Susman US Department of State, Embassy of the United States: London, UK
Donald H Rumsfeld US House of Representatives, US Department of State
Robert J Bulkley US House of Representatives, US Senate
Francis Rooney US House of Representatives, US Department of State
Clifford P Case US House of Representatives, US Senate
Dwight Morrow US Senate, US Department of State
David K E Bruce US Department of State, Embassy of the United States: London, UK
George H W Bush US House of Representatives, Executive Branch
John Sherman Cooper US Senate, US Department of State
Andrew Maguire US House of Representatives, US Department of State
James Buchanan
Updated over 2 years ago

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Types Person, Political Candidate, Public Official, Lawyer