Mr. Suhail R. Rizvi is a Co-Founder, Head and Chief Investment Officer at Rizvi Traverse Management LLC. Mr. Rizvi serves as a Partner at Emerald Venture Capital and Emerald Venture Capital I, L.P. Mr. Rizvi bought the Telephone Manufacturing division of the Puerto Rican phone company in 1995 and focused it on making higher-cost items and boosted its annual revenue from $10 million to $450 million in the process. He served as a Financial Analyst at MIG Companies from 1986 to 1991 and since 1989. He served as a Principal in that firm and headed up its efforts in the real estate and corporate securities area. He was the Head of Electronic Manufacturing Services of MIG Companies. From 1991 to 1995, Mr. Rizvi served as the Founder and Principal at Suntel, Inc. He has been the Chairman and Director of JN Industries since April 2002, the Chairman and Director of R and C Technology since December 2001. He is a Member of Board of Managers at Ziegler Lotsoff Capital Management, LLC. Mr. Rizvi has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Avatar Group, since December 1995. He has been a Director of Innovo Group Inc. University of Pennsylvania, BS Economics