Nominated to Portugal | Attorney at Greenberg Traurig, LLP
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Robert Sherman also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Woody Kaplan Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Patrick Murphy, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Nicola S Tsongas, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Scott Murphy, Martha Coakley, Alan Khazei, Christie Vilsack, Tim Kaine
Anita Bekenstein Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Nicola S Tsongas, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Matthew A Brown, Martha Coakley, Alan Khazei, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln, Ro Khanna
Andrew Tobias Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Bob Menendez, Patrick Murphy, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Scott Murphy, Mark S Critz, Martha Coakley, Tommy Sowers, Christie Vilsack, Tim Kaine
Thomas Safran Joe Biden, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Scott Murphy, Mark S Critz, Martha Coakley, Alan Khazei, Tommy Sowers, Christie Vilsack, Tim Kaine, Ro Khanna
Steve Grossman Joe Biden, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Nicola S Tsongas, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Scott Murphy, Mark S Critz, Martha Coakley, Alan Khazei, Blanche L Lincoln
Charlie Baker Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Nicola S Tsongas, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Martha Coakley, Christie Vilsack, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln
Agnes Gund Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Nicola S Tsongas, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Scott Murphy, Martha Coakley, Tommy Sowers, Blanche L Lincoln
Michael Whouley Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Barack Obama, Nicola S Tsongas, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Martha Coakley, Alan Khazei, Christie Vilsack, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln
Joshua Bekenstein Joe Biden, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Matthew A Brown, Alan Khazei, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln, Ro Khanna
Paul Egerman Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Patrick Murphy, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Nicola S Tsongas, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Scott Murphy, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln, Ro Khanna
Jonathan Lavine Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Barack Obama, Nicola S Tsongas, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Matthew A Brown, Martha Coakley, Alan Khazei, Tommy Sowers, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln
Jeannie Lavine Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Nicola S Tsongas, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Matthew A Brown, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Martha Coakley, Alan Khazei, Tim Kaine
Tony Podesta Kirsten Gillibrand, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Patrick Murphy, Bill Nelson, Joe Sestak, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Scott Murphy, Mark S Critz, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln
Cheryl Cronin Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Patrick Murphy, Barack Obama, Nicola S Tsongas, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Mark S Critz, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln
Naomi Aberly Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Nicola S Tsongas, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Scott Murphy, Martha Coakley, Christie Vilsack, Tim Kaine, Ro Khanna
Harold M Ickes Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Scott Murphy, Tommy Sowers, Christie Vilsack, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln
Susie Tompkins Buell Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Kerry, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Matthew A Brown, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Martha Coakley, Blanche L Lincoln, Ro Khanna
John F Fish Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Barack Obama, Nicola S Tsongas, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Massachusetts Republican State Congressional Committee, Matthew A Brown, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Martha Coakley, Blanche L Lincoln
Bayard T Storey Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Patrick Murphy, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Joe Sestak, Nicola S Tsongas, Sheldon Whitehouse, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, New Hampshire Democratic Party, Martha Coakley, Tim Kaine, Blanche L Lincoln
Tom Downey Joe Biden, Kirsten Gillibrand, Paul Hodes, John Kerry, Marty Meehan, Bob Menendez, Bill Nelson, Barack Obama, Nicola S Tsongas, Debbie Wasserman Schultz, Al Gore, Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee, Democratic National Committee, Massachusetts Democratic State Committee - Fed Fund, Martha Coakley, Christie Vilsack, Tim Kaine