Charles O Holliday Jr
The World Bank Group, Energy Transitions Commission, Global Commission on the Economy and Climate
Jean-Pascal Tricoire
Energy Transitions Commission, Global Commission on the Economy and Climate
Felipe Calderon
Energy Transitions Commission, Global Commission on the Economy and Climate
Anita George
The World Bank Group, Energy Transitions Commission
Stanley Fischer
The World Bank Group, London School of Economics and Political Science
James Rydge
Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, Global Commission on the Economy and Climate
Willem Buiter
The World Bank Group, London School of Economics and Political Science
Christiana Figueres
The World Bank Group, Carbon Rating Agency
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
The World Bank Group, Global Commission on the Economy and Climate
Al Gore
Energy Transitions Commission
Tim Wirth
Energy Transitions Commission
Barber Benjamin Conable Jr
The World Bank Group
Larry Summers
The World Bank Group
Jason Furman
The World Bank Group
Witney Schneidman
The World Bank Group
Henry M Paulson Jr
Energy Transitions Commission
Joseph Stiglitz
The World Bank Group
Paul Wolfowitz
The World Bank Group
Ian Solomon
The World Bank Group
James Wolfensohn
China Investment Corporation