Welcome The Carbon Rating Agency is a wholly owned subsidiary of the IDEAglobal Group. It is the world’s only ratings agency focused on rating environmental returns (including carbon and energy efficiency). Its mission is to carry out ratings and design the tools for the creation of natural capital as an asset class. It has provided a suite of ratings and analytical products to major clients* including carbon ratings, energy efficiency ratings, ratings of NAMAs and trading schemes. It is now embracing distributed ledger and blockchain technology to strengthen its product suite. The principal role of these products is to enable risk sharing between public and private stakeholders and the construction of credible instruments necessary for this new asset class to crowd in private capital. The CRA’s products have benefited from the work of experts in finance and environmental policy, including Lord Nicholas Stern, former UNFCCC Executive Secretary Christiana Figueres, former UN Under Secretary-General Nitin Desai. Home About Us Rating Products Climate Finance Platform CARBONrisk Regions 20 Partnership Contact Portal Carbon Rating Agency IDEAcarbon Group IOMA House, Hope Street, Douglas, Isle of Man IM1 1AP Phone +44.207.664.0212