David J. Theroux is Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer of The Independent Institute and Publisher of The Independent Review. He received his B.S., A.B., and M.S. from the University of California, Berkeley, and his M.B.A. from the University of Chicago. Books produced by Mr. Theroux have been the recipients of two Mencken Awards for Best Book, seven Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Awards for Best Book, two Benjamin Franklin Awards, four Independent Publisher Book Awards, and three Choice Magazine Awards for Outstanding Book. He is Founder and President of the C.S. Lewis Society of California, and he was founding Vice President and Director of Academic Affairs for the Cato Institute and founding President of the Pacific Research Institute for Public Policy. Having directed and published over seventy scholarly books, Mr. Theroux is the editor of the books, The Energy Crisis, Private Rights and Public Lands (with P. Truluck), and Politics and Tyranny. His articles and reviews have appeared in USA Today, Los Angeles Times, Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, Dallas Morning News, Insight, other publications, and he has appeared on ABC, MSNBC, CNN, C-SPAN, NPR, Voice of America, and other local, national, and international TV and radio networks and programs. A contributor to American Political Economy: An Encyclopedia, he has been a director of seven corporations and four foundations, he has been a member of the Koch Crime Commission, Prison Advisory Board for the California Little Hoover Commission, and Executive Committee for the Templeton Collegiate Honor Rolls for Education in a Free Society.