Chairman of the law firm Cooley LLP; chairman of the board of Levi Strauss & Co
Donors to Common Recipients
Recipients of donations from Stephen C Neal also received donations from these orgs and people
DonorCommon Recipients
Bradford M Freeman Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, Richard P Sybert, George H W Bush
Thomas E. Larkin, Jr. Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
Tim Draper Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
R D Hubbard Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
James D Robinson III Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
Dagmar Dolby Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Richard P Sybert, George H W Bush
Jay Arthur Pritzker Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
Robert Holmes Tuttle Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, Richard P Sybert, George H W Bush
James N Sullivan Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
Robert W Naylor Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, Richard P Sybert, George H W Bush
Ali C Razi Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, Richard P Sybert, George H W Bush
Lynda Resnick Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
Richard N Goldman Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
Mary Toman Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, Richard P Sybert, George H W Bush
Gordon Crawford Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, Richard P Sybert
Howard H Leach Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
Peter Flaherty Barack Obama, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
Henry Christensen III Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong
Dale L Dykema Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong, George H W Bush
Prem Reddy Barack Obama, Pete Wilson, Matthew K Fong