She is responsible for the company's overall positioning and promotion, and for managing and growing Time Inc.'s marketing services capabilities and non-branded revenue opportunities. She oversees Marketing, Corporate Communications, and Research and Insights, as well as Time Inc. Studios, the company's video services business and Time Inc. Content Solutions, a custom publishing division. Also in George's oversight are Media Networks Inc. (MNI) and Targeted Media Inc. (TMI), which both specialize in targeted media opportunities. George also manages Time Inc.'s relationship with American Express Publishing and holds a seat on its board. In addition, she leads the company's cross-enterprise relationship with the Time Warner Global Media Group. George has held an Executive Vice President title at Time Inc. since 2007, serving in several capacities. As President of Time Inc. Advertising Sales and Marketing from 2008 to 2010, she led the company to record gains in share of market, with the Corporate Sales & Marketing team winning min's 2010 Marketer of the Year award. Prior to that, George was EVP of the company's Style & Entertainment brands, including People, People en Español, People StyleWatch, Entertainment Weekly, Real Simple, In Style, and Essence. Before being named an Executive Vice President, George was President of In Style, Real Simple, Essence, and The Parenting Group. George joined Time Inc. as President of In Style in 2001, establishing the brand as an unparalleled industry leader, and leading the transformation from magazine to global brand. Before joining Time Inc., George was at Fairchild Publications from 1988. She served as President, Women's Wear Daily Media Worldwide, as well as Executive Vice President of Fairchild Publications. Prior to that, as Publisher of W for ten years, she remade the broadsheet into a glossy consumer monthly and presided over the successful launch of Jane. George serves on the boards of MPA (The Association of Magazine Media), Burberry, Lincoln Center, and Cosmetic Executive Women and lends her time and energy to a number of causes and organizations, including Project A.L.S., Legal Momentum, and the Fashion Institute of Technology. George was recognized by the American Cancer Society as the 2008 Dream Ball honoree and in 2009 was named Woman of the Year by the United Service Organizations (USO). George lives in Upper Montclair, N.J. with her husband, William Lenchinsky, and their daughter, Ali.